


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Wow, I think this year has already taught me many lessons:

1.    When you are low and you think things can't get any worse ... they can.
2.    Life is short
3.    Appreciate and cherish your friends and family as you never know how much time you will have with them
4.    Don't take anything for granted, it never turns out that way
5.    Life often throws lemons at us, just get out the bottle of tequila
6.    Don't put off today what you think you can do and say tomorrow, you may never get the opportunity
7.    Never say I love you or I am sorry unless you really mean it
8.    Treasure the special moments with friends and family
9.    Always remember where you came from
10.  People may be better off than you in life, but in Death we are all the same.

To all my friends and family I love you very much and especially to my D and Em, I will always love you!

And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count.  It's the life in your years.  ~Abraham Lincoln

Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead.  ~Scottish Proverb

Many people die with their music still in them.  Why is this so?  Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live.  Before they know it, time runs out.  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Matt Cardle - When We Collide on MUZU.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Off to a good start ...

Well the last two weeks have just been to arduous to even contemplate blogging about, so I won't but I must tell you the week has been off to a good start, I managed to stay off the dairy products - have cut down my intake of coffee to zero!  So not bad going, 6 liters of water and 9 cups of herbal tea in the last 3 days.   I would normally have 3 cappuccinos a day at work and have thus far had none, although I did almost crack on Monday afternoon and went to make myself a cappuccino but the machine was broken - so it wasn't meant to be.

Today I was moaning at one of my colleagues in the kitchen and the first thing she said was Rose, have a cup of coffee - I just laughed at her.  I can already feel the difference it is remarkable, and tomorrow I get my car back after a long 3 weeks, yippee which means I can go back to Gym on Monday, can't wait!

To get back to last week the week just seemed to go on forever and when you have seen your colleagues for 11 days in a row it feels like you never had a week-end, so Friday when Em woke up with a headache, tummy ache, nauseousness and a temperature, I decided to keep her home.  It was great to get the washing down and all the household chores, Lisa turned up for coffee and to show us her new car, very snazzy.  (Oh that must have been the last cup of coffee I had).

Saturday we were invited to our friends Joe & Carla for Dinner and Carla made the most wonderful Chicken Curry as always, (dit was so smaaklik) just wanted to lick your plate afterwards.  Sunday the weather was miserable so we all just hibernated.

This week-end I have booked to go and see Tangled with the kids (Em & Friend), having the old folks round for Yvonne's birthday on Sunday, so between kids and old folks it's a busy week-end.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Years Resolutions

  1. I am going to be more positive
  2. I will be less fickle
  3. My body is a temple and I will thus worship it
  4. The aim of the game is to be healthy
  5. I will be more tolerant toward Em and try and spend more time with her
  6. I will acquire more knowledge
  7. I am going to read more
  8. I am going to enjoy life
  9. I will try not to bitch and moan at all
  10. I will remember there is no such word as "can't"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A New Year, a new dawn

Tomorrow sees the dawn of the Chinese New Year and considering my year has started off totally cr@p, I am starting my new year tomorrow as well.  I am making new years resolutions that I am going to stick by, as from tomorrow my body is a temple and nothing untoward shall pass through these lips.

Only good news is allowed to present itself to me, bad news must use the back door - don't even attempt to come anywhere near my front door.

2011 is the year of the Rabbit, and let's see what the Rabbit has in store for the Dragon this year:

How brilliant and asserting will be the triumph of the Dragon in 2011 year of the White Metal Rabbit! Happiness of this representative of zodiacal circle will consist of victories in professional activities, in business as well as the best possible relationships between him and his loved one. Lonely Dragon has all the chances to meet their fate and very soon seal a union with marriage vows - if of course he wants to get rid of his loneliness. The family of a Dragon will receive comfort and harmony of relationships, he will simply revel the love and passion. The only danger laying in wait for Dragon in the year of the White Metal Rabbit (Cat) is dizziness from success: Dragon may suffer from laudatory speeches and fanfare, and make many stupid things in a temper, that it will take the entire next year to mop such things out. In particular, this warning is especially concerns the young Dragon, and so that his head always returned to his seat, he needs someone more senior and experienced, who will oversee its actions. The Dragon is too hot, and this quality can bring him honor and glory if it is aimed in the right direction, or subverted into the deep it doesn't yield sound logic. 

2011 horoscope for Dragon of wood element
In early 2011 year of the White Rabbit, Dragon will be successful, as ever flashing their dignity to overcome any obstacles encountered in their path. But success will not last forever. In the middle of spring 2011, fate will test the strength of your optimism. Fortunately, your horoscope for 2011 year of the Rabbit promises that in late spring, your success will come back to you. However, this will depend more on how Dragons will behave in difficult times.