


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Off to Africa ...

Well after months of planning, D and Em left on Saturday for South Africa, they arrived up at Bakubung and surprised D's folks, they were supposed to surprise the whole family but only his youngest brother and family were there.  No sooner had they arrived and Em decided she wanted to go back to Jo'burg with her cousins, so has been living with them for a week.

I have had loads to do, but have been missing them terribly and finally I only have one day left at work and I will be on the plane to join them.  Can't wait, so if my posts are missing for a few weeks you know why, I will update you with our visit when I get back.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rio ...

We went to see the most amazing kids movie today ... Rio and I have added this to my list of places to see before I die especially at Carnival time.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Awesome Birthday

Wow, I can't believe how many people sent me messages for my birthday, I guess Facebook is a great reminder, but even so it was so overwhelming getting so many messages from all my friends and family.   I had an awesome day too, which actually started on Thursday, I went for lunch with my "Girl" friends from work to Avoca, my favourite place, then Friday My bestest buddy send me a beautiful bouquet of flowers to the office, along with a happy Birthday Balloon, a bottle of Bubbly and a real card!

From Emily & D I got vouchers for my hair and a CD!

Saturday morning I took Emily to a "Brownies" meeting up the road and then went with a friend for breakfast, and after that my friend Carla laid on an awesome Birthday brunch for me at their house.  The weather was perfect, Blue Skies and sunshine.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine

Marvin Gaye, one of the greatest musicians born 2nd April 1939, would have been 72 today!