


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer is arriving on the week-end

Lookout Dublin, Summer is arriving on the week-end and I think it's supposed to last an entire week :), well in general for the last few years summer has arrived on Em's birthday which is the 4th of June.  Last year we had her party on the 5th of June which turned out to be the hottest day of the year!  Hopefully this year will be no different, but as we plan not to do anything at the house it won't matter.

I just don't have the time this year and can't be bothered with annoying mothers, so have decided just to do it outside of home.  Sunday I will have the adopted Grandparents over and some friends and that is it over for another year!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Princess Castle Cake

Monday, May 23, 2011

Imelda May - Johnny Got A Boom Boom

A historical day in Irish history and my new found love for GOOD Irish music! Imelda May I love your style.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Birthday my BFF

I must say that I am so lucky to have one of the Best "Best Friends" in the whole wide world, today is my BFF's birthday and we have been friends for 29 years, but it seems that it was only yesterday that I met her.  She is the most genuine, kind hearted generous persons that I know and I have never ever met anyone like her in my life.  We have been through death defying experiences together, experienced laughter, tears, pain together and through our ups and downs have remained friends all this time.

Gwen I love you like a sister, I am truly blessed to have met you and as long as we both shall leave you will be a true friend.  Happy Birthday!!!

When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares. ~Henri Nouwen

Back on Line

I felt like my communication links had been severed ... the damn eircom modem gave up on us but luckily after a week all is well, new modem installed and back on line, so hello world I will be back with my thoughts about the Queens visit to Ireland, which I hastily scribbled down at work during my break but never got to post them!  Be prepared.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Moving on

I never quite got to blog about my holiday, I might just post random pictures now and again and tell you about them, but to cut a loooooooooooong story short, we had a fabuloses holiday in South Africa, we saw most of our friends and family, it was very rushed, ate far too much, drank far too much, but none the less it was good for the Soul to connect with those special to us, gives us strength to carry on for another little while.

We are lucky to have two homes, one where we have chosen to live and one where all our amazing friends and family are!

What we did:

Braaied some more
Went to Sun city for the day
Went to Kwandabele to see the dear old lady who looked after me all my life
Went to Lusito land
Met friends that I had not seen in 30 years
Met family I had never met in my life
Saw my new Great nephew
Had the cousins sleep over with Em
Did all the things we never get to do in Ireland

Funky Chair

I took this photo at McDonald's at Dublin airport the day Em & Derrick left for South Africa, I just loved the chairs, they came in a variety of colours and I thought that I would take a picture so that maybe one day I when I have a funky house I may get one, let me know what you think.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all woman out there, just because you haven't given birthday to a child doesn't mean you are not a mother, we all take on Motherly duties sometime in our lives.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Our Accommodation

We decided to stay outside Jo'burg just so that we felt like we were having a holiday as well, luckily my BFF's sisters boyfriend has a place at Haarties that we could rent from him, it was absolutely stunning to wake up and see the beautiful Magaliesberg mountains every morning, and every morning it looked different.

The one thing I love was when it was pitch black at night looking up and seeing zillions of stars, something we don't see in Ireland.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Before I arrived

Well my darling hubby and daughter left for SA a week before me as you know, and it turned out that not long after they arrived, my child abandoned her only parent and went to stay with her cousins for a week.  Leaving hubby to enjoy a childless week of nothing but rest, relaxation and an abundance of animals that he could go and look at every day.  

How lucky was he to see such amazing animals and this are just a touch of all the photos he took, I will try and put a link to the photos up.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Back to Life, Back to Reality ...

Well my world wind trip home to SA has come and gone, but I feel so inspired - when I left Ireland everything was doom and gloom a bit like SA becomes when people start talking about the crime.  But having spent so many wonderful days with my friends and family and especially my BFF I feel like I can go on again and I know that for all the grief some people give me, they can never take that away from me, never ever.  Spending time with my BFF was better than anything I could ever have done, and I realised that I don't need a million acquaintances because the friends that I make, are my true friends - it's funny how my mother always said to me that I knew how to choose my friends and I really do, because they are all still in my life and very dear and special to me.

The pain, hurt and backstabbing can all be put to bed now because I realise that those who caused it were never my friends and never important in my life - so farewell, off with their heads they are finally gone and forgotten!

Even though I was dreading going back to work on Tuesday, especially as I had only arrived home on Monday evening, it was actually wonderful - it was amazing the reaction I got from everyone in the office including my directors, wow I feel so lucky to be so well liked, but I guess you always get what you give out - you would have sworn I had been gone for months with the reception I got!

Okay so I guess you want to hear about the holiday, well it may have to wait till the week-end.