


Friday, July 29, 2011

Gallery: KwaZulu-Natal snow

Gallery: KwaZulu-Natal snow: "Widespread snowfalls interrupted morning routines but South Africans did not mind - they took to the internet to share their snow pictures."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Things to do before I die

One of the guys at work today was telling me he was going to the "Galway Races", as it is Galway festival time, and he recommended we go sometime, so I said I would put it on my list of things to do before I die, so he said "now it's not that important", so I said I would make sure it is underneath the "Rio Carnival", and it just got me thinking of the Top 100 things to see before I die.  Amy Winehouse used to be on my list as was Elvis but I guess they died before me, so scratch those out.  So what is on my list?  Okay I am going to list these in no particular order.  My top 10 first and I will keep adding to it.

1.    Sydney for New Year one year
2.    The Rio Carnival
3.    The Galway Races
4.    The Greek Islands
5.    The Taj Mahal
6.    Hawaii
7.    Jamaica
8.    Cuba
9.    Rocky Mountains
10.  Alaska Cruise

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Amy Winehouse - You Know I'm No Good

One of my favorite singers of all time, I somehow new she was going to join the likes of Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Brian Jones who all died when they were 27, mainly from drug overdoses.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I was reading this today and thought of you...xxxxxxxxxx

A very special friend sent me this today and the words are just so true ... 
Before you say “I can’t”
Make sure you’ve already tried.
Before you let doubts stop you,
Confront them with facts.
Before reasons convince you it’s impossible
Pursue the one reason that makes it possible.
Before failure enters your mind
Hide success in your heart.
Before fear holds you back,
Go forward with faith.
Before problems interfere with your plans,
Use them to accomplish your goals.
Before you hold back because others are better,
Show others what a winner you are.
Before you settle for less,
Hold onto what is most important.
Before you believe there is no way,
Keep going and you’ll make one.
Before you give up,
Be at peace inside.
Before you dismiss your dreams,
Wait until they’ve come true.
Before you go looking for happiness,
Make your own where you are…..

There is a God

I never blogged about the most important thing that happened to me this year.  Well I have to go back to when I was unemployed and looking for a job, which is not easy when you are a foreigner in a recession hit Ireland.  Anyway I got a job with the company  I was previously contracting to, but a much junior position but hey it was a job.

Anyway my new "boss" found it in her to use me as her protégé, I don't think she had much experience managing adults before because we immediately had a personality clash, I am not going to go into the whole story, just that I was unhappy for over a year - which caused a lot of stress in my life.  But at the end of June she was moved to a different section, and life became wonderful ... all I am hoping for is that it lasts, I mean after all you spend most of your awake life at work.

I think my friends also got tired of me wining on about her, but I think they must have all prayed very hard for me, because I realised there is a god out there after all.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Inspiration Line - Daily Inspirational Quotes - Friendship and Love

Inspiration Line - Daily Inspirational Quotes - Friendship and Love: "In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit."

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thought for the day

The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon...but that we wait so long to begin it

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Gino's ... in da South

This morning I was thinking about what I really miss from home, and the first thing that popped up was decent Pizza.  There is no one in the world not even the Italians that can top the Pizza's made @ Gino's in the South.  Gino's started in the 80's and they were the start of people in the South being able to go out and eat at affordable prices, back then you could go out and have a starter, main course, desert and a bottle of wine for about R25.00. The waiters would score big time, because the meal was so cheap you would give them and extra tip.

When we were home in April, my brother-in-law suggested Gino's and I was worried that after 28 years the standard would have dropped and the food wouldn't be great.  But it did not disappoint it lived up to it's excellent standard.  Still run and owned by the same Italian family, it was wonderful and although the prices had increased, it was still a bargain, starters, main course, desert, drinks and Don Pedro for round R100.00 including a tip, that's €10.00, which would buy you a chicken wrap and coffee in Ireland, nothing more.

I also started reminiscing about all the times we had been to Gino's, how we had waited one evening for 4 hours for a table (they never took bookings, but you could wait in the bar), and how by the time we got to the table we had, had so much to drink that my friend actually passed out in her food!  Hopefully Gino's will be around for another 20 years so that we can enjoy the food every time we go back.

Just check out their menu

Friday, July 8, 2011

Zumba Fitness - Que Te Pica

I thought I would share one of the Dance songs we do at Zumba, awesome class again tonight!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I just don't get it...

Tonight I was at the Gym doing my 20 laps or more before our Boot camp aerobics class, when in waltzes the skinniest girl I ever saw, long blonde hair almost down to her waist, wearing only a "GOLD" string bikini.  She waltzes up to one of the gym instructors who was busy doing his yoga exercises.  Now I know I shouldn't stare but it was quite obvious from the body language that all she wanted was him, the meeting was very short and sweet and she ambled over to the Jacuzzi and half put her body in, so that the other half was sticking out for everyone to see, and then not 10 minutes later she was gone.

Did I miss something, were they looking for a new BOND girl at our local gym?  Not that I would have been chosen - lol :) , sometimes I just don't get woman!
Brilliant Status on Facebook tonight:  Destiny may decide who touches your Life ~ Your heart may decide who touches your Soul ~ But...Tequila decides who touches your body... :-D

Do we work to Live or Live to work?

Funny thing, being in Ireland for 10 years now makes me think that when we were living in the rat race, we were always working and life really revolved around work, whereas the Irish have it right, they work to live!  Nobody rushes in to get the work done, because whether you rush or get there when you have to the work will still be there, nobody worries if you are a few minutes late in the morning, because sometimes you just have to stay that few minutes extra in the evening.

And what happens when it is a sunny beautiful day, well most Irish people take the day off - who wants to be stuck in doors on a beautiful day.  Week-ends well if the sun is shining, forget about the housework, it can always be done another day, get out and enjoy the sunshine!

I think I could get used to this, although they say the Aussies are very similar and I think I would prefer the weather.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Chilean Volcano

Someone sent me these photos today, which I had to share with you because they are absolutely awesome, they were taken of the Volcano in Chile.

Zumba Class

So I went, and I had so many flashbacks, firstly I can't dance, secondly I have absolutely no co-ordination - but I did it.  The guy who took us is a South American guy, so the Latino dance music is in his blood.  It was fast and furious and required both arms and leg co-ordination which just didn't work with me, it reminded me of my first aerobics class that I went to with my friend Sheila in Edenvale, she spent the entire hour killing her self laughing watching me than doing the exercises.

After 10 minutes I really thought I was going to die, but I stuck it out and after 60 minutes I thought well blow me over it's time to go, but our instructor had other intentions and kept us there for another 10 minutes.

Will I go again ... Absolutely!