


Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's all go, go, go ...

It seems that in the run up to Christmas, the weeks are just flying past, we have had something on every week-end for the last few week-ends and this week-end was no exception, except for today - a day to relax and do absolutely nothing, catch up on my blogging and then study!
The week started off pretty slow, I took the morning off on Tuesday as I had to go and sort stuff out at the bank so I could get paid, that took quicker than I expected, so I went off to Dundrum did a bit of browsing round the shops, the weather was absolutely awful. I then picked up Trish from her office and we went through to Coffee to Go for some lunch, then picked up Em and came home.

Wednesday was college but I ended up with a Migraine before I was supposed to leave so went to bed instead, so probably missed out on some crucial information, but I will go in early next week and see what I missed.

Thursday was swimming and then Em and I went off to Dundrum, home and I got ready for my dinner date with all my ex work buddies, we went to "The Winding Stair", which is just next to the woollen mills on the quays across from the Liffey. The food was wonderful, but I will not be going back, the service was rushed, rude and it was really expensive and to top it all at 8:30 the waitress brought our bags and coats to the table, even though we had not finished our drinks and said Thank you, have a nice evening, Goodbye! And gave us all dirty looks, what a RUDE cow! Hopefully Bob phoned and complained, a few people have already asked me how the restaurant was and there is nothing like word of mouth criticism.

Friday I had my presentation in front of the managers, I had never met most of the managers that came to the presentation so it was a bit never racking, however the presentation seem to go off well there were probably about 20 managers and then the HR team which was 5. The only thing was nobody really asked questions, the only questions I got was about the module I had never worked on before, so I guess I am going to have to educate myself on that one. So all dressed up to the nines high heel shoes, I had been standing since 9 o'clock, then I had to run a work shop with the HR team from 11 to 1. We over ran the 1 o'clock finish and still have loads of work to do, so I guess next week it is back to the drawing board.

I rushed out of the office to meet Emily's school mates mom as I was taking the kids to movies at Dundrum, it took a wee bit of time to get the car seat fitted, get them changed and then get them off to Dundrum, I still had to meet Mandy, Dana and Aron has they were all coming with to the movies as well but we managed to make it before the movie started. We saw Igor which has just been released and is all about a mad scientist. The movie finished at 4:30, I then rushed home to bath Em and change beds in her room and the spare room (long story). Start the washing get dinner on, Mandy and the kids arrived we sat chatting till about 7 and then still had everything to do. We managed to get everything done without a problem!

Saturday is another early day as D takes Em to Ballet and Drama, and Ballet was a bit of a Drama again, Emily not wanting to co-operate (it's the subborness from her father's side). In the meantime, I had to rush off to the post office in Edmondstown to collect a parcel, which is a whole nother story as well, off to the shops to get milk and veggies and then home, unpack and into town on the LUAS to meet K, D & E for lunch and then the Ballet as the Gaiety which was Swan Lake.

I parked the car near the Milltown LUAS station which is really good, because you only have to pay up till 1 and then it is free, can you believe I left the car unlocked! Anyway bumped into one of Em's old creche buddies and her parents, jumped on the LUAS and off into town, I had a bit of shopping to do before meeting them so managed to get that all done. Got myself a really nice pair of shoes from M&S, their shoes this season are really nice and so reasonably priced.

When I arrived at St. Stephens Green there was a huge crowd at the top of more than a hundred people and I got quite irritated because I had to fight my way through the crowd, but then I heard the buskers it was a group of them doing Irish dancing, playing the fiddle and OMW really really good. So I had to stop and listen for a while, I thought I would watch them when I came back from the shops but by then they had dispersed.

So we all met at the front of St. Stephens green shopping centre and then headed down to "Pasta Fresca" I think it was called, and had lunch, it was a nice treat. We finished at about 2:30 and headed off to the Gaiety, got our program and then in we went, we had a box which was really nice and the view was brilliant. The show was awesome and really worth the effort!

I had seen Swan Lake before when I was in standard 8 at the Civic Theatre in Johannesburg, in fact I think I saw it twice and we even went backstage and got autographs from the ballerinas, but I had forgotten the story, so K quickly refreshed my memory. Swan Lake is long and I think Em got a bit restless after a while, but all in all it was a wonderful day.

Now it is Sunday and time to breath again, except there is too much to do! Have a great week everyone! Next week-end is K's birthday at Diep which we are all looking forward too and then just another week for the BIG Halloween housewarming birthday bash!

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