


Monday, October 27, 2008

My Week ...

Well my broadband has become so slow that it is unbearable, especially when you are trying to do anything on the blog or of course catch up on news on facebook, so I do need to contact my ISP provider and either give them a boot or a kick up the ... old proverbial!

This week has flown once again, last Sunday we just had a pyjama / tracksuit day, did not budge out of the house, it was rather nice for a change.

Most of the week was just Work, home, sleep - however I did get an email from production company about a story they were doing for Discovery Channel on the Sinking of the Oceanos and Moss Hill, anyway he wanted to fly me over to the UK to do an interview with them for the story, and after a few emails backwards and forwards they would have wanted me to go immediately and just told them it was impossible, so within about 24 hours they had booked a flight over to Dublin and were coming to interview me on Sunday here, but I will get back to that story later.

Wednesday was college, then Thursday came and went and finally FRIDAY the start of the long bank holiday week-end, our last bank holiday until May next year! (That's besides Christmas, New Year, Paddy's day and Easter as those are public holidays). Em was also breaking up from school, and I had made an appointment at Revive, so sitting outside the school and Mandy gives me a call to find out if I want to pop over for a coffee and so Em can play with Aron. So grab Em off to revive, then to the creche to confirm her booking for next week (she is going to the creche for the week), then to the Spar and then off to Many, well it took us 45 minutes to travel about 3 miles, the traffic up to Dundrum was a nightmare and we found out later that it was because the new Hamleys store had opened the previous day. Anyway we finally got there and could only stay for an hour as my cousin Jannie was coming for Dinner, thank goodness I had made the lasagna the night before and just had to do salad and stuff.

We left there round five and thank goodness the traffic wasn't too bad from there to our place. Got home, got Em in the bath, made the salad, got Em out bathed and then wanted to turn the computer on to check my mail, D gets home and 15 minutes later the doorbell rings, it's my cousin and his early, mainly because he is flying back to SA in the morning on an early morning flight. It was great catching up with him, and because Em did not have ballet or Drama on the Saturday she got to stay up late.

Saturday we got to sleep in a little bit, however I had a hair appointment and was then meeting a friend for lunch. I hadn't seen her for ages so it was great catching up and before we knew it, it was four o'clock and the rain was coming down in torrents, so I got D to come and pick us up, then it was off home to get changed as we were going to Diep with the gang to celebrate Kelly's birthday. Funnily Kelly landed up next to me at the hairdresser so we ended up chatting for ages which was so nice, because I knew we probably would not get too much of a chance to chat later. So get dressed, get D to fetch the baby sitter, and off we go a little early mind you, but we had a bottle of wine before everyone arrived.

It's amazing how there are 5 couples and in actual fact it was Natalie that introduced us all to one another and we all tend to get on well, even the husbands - so Thank You Natalie, if it wasn't for you I would not have met such wonderful people. So there was Moi, Nat, Tracy, Mady, Kelly, D, Charl, David, Warren and Malcolm. We were seated about 9 and the whole evening seemed to go so quickly, the food was wonderful, the company was wonderful and the evening was really really good! It all ended too soon, Tracy, Warren and I spent a lot of time talking about growing up in the South and the conversation just tended to be around everything and I suppose the common element is us all being from South Africa. By the time we were leaving to go home all I could think about was the TV crew arriving at 10:00 in the morning, so we went off to get in the car and we were Clamped! Thank goodness they did not take long to arrive to unclamp us.

Sunday morning ... I am up at about 8 too nervous to eat breakfast and then down to the study to look for all my Oceanos paraphernalia, which luckily did not take me long to find. Then quick bath get dressed and wait, they got lost so ended up only arriving after 10:30. Eric & Chris, they transformed our lounge into a Studio in a very short time, D took Em off to the dump to take all the garden refuse and then to feed the ducks just so that she was out the way. And then the interview started, I must say that they are the nicest people I have met in a long time, besides the French guys who interviewed me, but they were equally as nice. They made me feel really at ease and the interview although it went on for over an hour did not feel like it.

They then did some shots of me in the kitchen paging through my scrap book, D and Em came home just as Eric & Chris had finished packing up, we all got in the car and went off to the Dockland to get something to eat, Eric treated us to lunch at Milano's. It worked out really well as Milano's which is an Italian restaurant really caters for the children, they had a children's section with a box of toys and all the kids just congregate round the box of toys, giving the adults a time to chat and not really have to worry about them. After lunch and a bottle of wine, we went out to the River and Chris did some more shots and then some of D, Em and I. We had a lovely afternoon and headed home, only got home at about 4:30 but it was really nice.

I was exhausted by last night and fell into bed at 9:30, only to wake up 3 times and then get out of bed at 6:30 this morning (on a bank holiday). Em and I are going shopping today so lets see how the day pans out, till later have a wonderful week!

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