


Thursday, October 2, 2008


I started working last week after being home for just over 2 months, it was quite reluctantly that I took this job, but on the other hand I feared that if I didn't the opportunity may not present itself again.

It's actually been great, I get in at 8 in the morning and then work till about 1:00, the office is situated down near the Dublin Docklands just off the Liffey, it is really stunning compared to the first time we ventured down there 7 years ago and everything we really derelict. The whole area has been given a face lift and "The Point" where they have a lot of concerts with big international stars has been renovated and is now called The O2 Arena in the point village, this is because they are building a village with shops and a mall and all kinds of stuff.

Em does Ballet & Song, dance and drama on a Saturday morning at the National performing arts school or NPAS and this is down in that area as well. Bono from U2 is building the U2 towers and the whole place is becoming the next trendy place to go in Dublin.

The traffic is a bit of a nightmare but in order to get as much done as possible and then go and fetch Emily and then go home and do everything else, I have to use the car.

The company I am consulting to at the moment is really nice and yesterday the Director gave me my very own office which is a few doors down from the CEO's office, who is a lovely man from Belgium. My office is bigger than my ex directors office and has a little conference table, everyone there treats me with so much respect it just feels so different and I am really liking it.

Tomorrow I have to work the whole day but it will be my first full day I will be working since June, so I guess I shouldn't complain - will take my Camera in and get some photos and post them here.


  1. Hey Rosieroo...I just love the look & feel of your new blog - very funky :-)
    Enjoy and all the best

  2. Thanks Lemon, and thanks for arranging and awesome day today, so glad the weather turned out good!
