


Monday, January 19, 2009

It tried to snow today

It tired to snow today, so after school we went home fetched Em's Snow boots (not sure why I did not pick up mine), warm coats, gloves etc and headed up the Mountain, it's only about 2 Km's up the road.

We first stopped at the forest and their really was not too much snow up there, so after playing around a bit we drove a bit further up and stopped at the look out point, from here you can see the whole Dublin Bay it is absolutely stunning, not sure why we have not been up there before.

I couldn't really get very good photos from there, so we climbed back in the car and headed further up from where we could see the view, it is really beautiful. Emily wanted to throw snow balls, it was absolutely freezing up there, although the temperature gauge said 3 degrees with the wind chill factor it was probably -6, so after much persuasion we got back in the car and headed home.Hot coffee for me and hot bath for Em.

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