


Sunday, January 25, 2009


Well I guess there is load of exciting news at the moment, I just haven't been in the mood to blog! So what is exciting, well 4 of my friends are pregnant as well as my niece and my nephew's wife, so 6 babies on the way ... shoo, they say there is always a baby boom in a recession because people don't have money to go out! So the baby boom starts today in fact ... A is due today, then K is due in June and C and W in September, not quite sure when my niece and nephews wife are due!

The next exciting thing is our RTW trip, I have been researching hotels and things to do in the countries we will be visiting, and so far have booked accommodation in LA and Tahiti, so just have Auckland, Sydney and Perth to sort out.

The cold weather over here just seems to have gone on forever and I am so looking forward to getting to Los Angeles and Tahiti and just lying in the sun.

K & M are back from their trip to SA so all the girls got together for coffee at Wilde & Greene on Saturday, it was so nice having a girls morning while D took Em to Drama. I think we sat and chatted and drank coffee for almost 3 hours.

G is leaving for her overseas trip on Wednesday and we will get to meet up with her on the 17th of Feb in London and then will all fly back to Dublin together.

I got my results for my IPASS course and I passed! So now for the next stage which I think starts on the 18th of Feb and next exam probably in May, oh well it will all be worth it in the end I keep telling myself.

I think that is about it.

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