


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Old Friends

Aren't Simon & Garfunkel just amazing, 2 guys and a guitar and they have sold milions of records. We saw them at the RDS in 2004, when Gwen came over for Emily's 1st birthday and they are just incredible. Paul Simon is 68 this year, have a look at his web site:

The reason I posted this video here is because I have an incredible story to tell. I have this friend we will call her M for now. Well M and I became friends when I worked for the same company as her back in 1988 (wow more than 20 years ago now). Anyway we were pretty good friends and after I got married we seemed to drift apart, the last time I saw M was in 1998.

I often thought about M and what had happened to her and then last year when we moved into our house and opened all our boxes that had been shut up for the most of 7 years, I got to opening the biggest and heaviest box of all my photo albums.

This Christmas I was paging through one of my albums and came across some photos which were taken at Christmas 1994 when a group of us friends decided to climb in the car and head down to the coast for Christmas and ended up in Blythesdale where M was spending Christmas with her parents. She found us some last minute accommodation and we headed down, her mum was so kind to invite us to join the family for Christmas lunch.

So I got onto the Internet just before Christmas and decided to see if I could trace M, I facebooked her, went onto SA Reunited but no luck, so eventually I just googled her and came across and email address. So I thought I would email and with a bit of luck I might get the right person. This happened on the 21st of December, and would you believe on the 22nd I got an email back, it turned out that M was in SA because her mom was very ill.

So during December we occasionally emailed each other and I got the sad news that her mum passed away that very day that she emailed me. I told her I would contact her when she was back home in the UK. So last Sunday M phoned me and we were on the phone for almost an hour catching up, and although more than 10 years had passed between us we were able to pick up where we left off.

The weird thing is she said that another friend had passed away and her husband had contacted M to let her know, So M went through all her photos and found photos from that time which was probably back in 1993 when we had a few parties and used to all hang out together, so she had all these photos in a folder and was carrying them round where ever she went and even took them to SA when she went to see her mom before she passed away, and then of course I emailed her.

It's just amazing how fate has a hand in all kinds of things and I do believe that signals are passed by people to other people via the mental telepathy line, how do these things work?

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