


Sunday, February 1, 2009

To Blow or not to blow ... that is the question

It was Carla's birthday on Saturday and they invited us all round for a curry, Lisa's mom was going to look after all the kids, so we dropped Em off there much to her delight. The evening was wonderful, especially not having to worry about the kids being around, so of course there were lots of dirty jokes and swearing and sexual connotations, just what adults need every now and again.

I did not drink because I was driving and then just before we left, Carla was making Kahlua coffee's and I decided to have one, a minute after I part finished my coffee we were off to fetch Emily. Well coming out of Lisa's complex in Sandyford did they not have a road block and besides checking the car, the officer told me to BLOW! My life flashed before me because all I could think of was the Kahlua coffee I had to drink and that they are going to lock me up.

So I blew, k*kking myself and it came up ZERO, thank the lord - not sure how that worked but it came up ZERO and I will never ever take anything to my lips before I drive again, as I was shaking all the way home! A lesson learnt.


  1. My word...I think I would died as well if the Garda pulled me over :-) Very brave of you and of course very scary

  2. Hi Irishlemon, yep it was very very scary - when are you going to update your blog?

  3. I know I know....I need to - just havent found the time. I havent even downloaded my December holiday pic's - thats how bad it is :-) Will get to it and & let you know once I have....:-)

  4. I took your blog off my side bar because it said it had not been updated for over 4 months, so I will have to put it back in anticipation of a new post! See you soon.
