


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day all the mom's and grannies and mom's-2-b out there. Well firstly let me tell you about my week, which was a very short one, went back to work on Wednesday after St. Patrick's day and was very busy Wednesday & Thursday, Wednesday also had college which was very heavy going as we dealt with Income Levy, PRSI & Disability all in one night, got there at 6:45 and only got home at 10:00 PM.

Thursday night I had dinner with my Irish friends, Trish, Bob & Damo at Tribeca in Ranelagh, must say the company was far better than the food, so won't be rushing back there. Then went to bed at about 11 ish only to be woken at midnight by a vomiting child. D & I were up most of the night with a child who's temperature would not come down, so between vomiting we were sponging her down with luke warm baths.

9:00 am I make and appointment to take her to the doctor, but by 10:30 she is burning up again and vomiting still, so I call the doctor out to the house. Another sponge bath, doctor comes, poor darling has a mild bout of tonsillitis and stomach bug, off to the chemist to get medicine and child is as right as rain.

Come Saturday morning, give medicine, half an hour later child brings up all over me, mom in shower, Emily suppository and more medicine and within an hour a new child once again! So mom off to shops to buy grocery's because Bob & Yvonne are coming round for lunch on Sunday, mom promises to phone child from store, which I duly did and heard dad in background saying, "don't tell mom we are going out", he just can't keep a secret from me.

Up at 8:30 this morning, to the most beautiful flowers and lots of vouchers from "Revive", this is my beauty salon and hairdresser, so guess I am going to have to pamper myself before my birthday.

All in all it was a wonderful day, bar a few near disasters which we managed to overcome!

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