


Thursday, March 5, 2009


I some how got to thinking about my youth my teenage years, probably something to do with a post Natalie done. The one memory I have was how work was cool, I started working when I was 17 at Barclay's Bank, and most of the girls in my office were round the same age - the Afrikaans girls were all engaged to be married at that age, but we used to live for the week-ends, just to go on a rave -practically every week-end I would be out with friends at the "Disco" and Jo'burg, Randburg and Sandton had some of the best disco's I can remember.

It was the early 80's and all the big dance musicals, like Xanadu, Grease, Saturday night fever, Fame were all the rage. There was a club in Jo'burg called Xanadu and it had the dance floor with the lights like in Saturday night fever, it was sooooo cool. There were really trendy clubs like Sacha's in Hyde Park shopping centre and then there were the scaly joints like Just for kicks.

The best dance music came out in the early 80's, Abba, Softcell and one of my all time favourites was the Boys Town Gang with "you just too good to be true".


  1. OMG..! The Boys Town Gang..well that was a great number back when we wore big hair and even bigger shoulder pads..!
    I had never seen the music vid before now, and have to say I nearly died laughing at what could easily pass for two old SAA koffie moffies. Waistcoats, hairy chests and tights pants doing their dance...yiup..definitely ghey! Your typical 'Dave' and 'Terence' one would often find at jols like Mandy's and The Res!

    Cool song - hilarious vid!

  2. Mandy's and the Res my goodness have not heard those names in a while! The good old days, there was another club somewhere down Jeppe street where they had a mechanical bull as well, and there are just so many, I must do a post about all the clubs I remember!
