


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter 2009

For the past 7 years I don't think we have once been in Dublin for Easter, with it being a long week-end we always manage to get away somewhere nice, I know last year 2008 we were in Luton, London and it snowed, 2007 we were in South Africa, 2006 hmmm, the memory fades, 2005 we were in Barcelona, so this year is probably the first year we have spent it at home, in our own home here in Dublin.
With Em being at school she knew all about Easter and sat me down the other day and when I say sat me down, that is what she did. We have not taken Em to Sunday school, so what she learns she learns from school, they have assembly for half an hour each morning. So the conversation went something like, Mom come and sit down I want to tell you a story, and so I did, she then proceeded to tell me about Palm Sunday, the crucifixion and of course how Jesus rose from the dead. And then told me WHY we have Easter eggs and what the eggs represent, I was amazed and proud of her, for someone who is not yet 6, she is definitely a born leader and will go far in life. She speaks so well and clear (those speech & drama classes are paying off).

So getting back to Easter, we were all up early this morning, mainly because Emily woke up at 6 and came to show us what the Easter Bunny had brought her, I then got up at 7 and started preparation for our guests.

At about 11:30 D and I started to hide the Easter eggs in the garden, I felt a drop of rain and saw some clouds, but all to soon they had dissipated and the sun shone brightly. We had to wait for Luke and Aran to get here before the hunt started, I wanted them to paint eggs first but chocolate is more important.
The weather turned out to be absolutely stunning, we all sat outside in the garden till everyone had to leave which was after 6. The kids had fun, the adults had fun, the frozen Margaritas and the pancakes were a hit. Lots of food, friends and chat - what an awesome day!