


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Susan Boyle ... the voice of an Angel

I first saw this on Thursday morning when I was surfing the BBC new channel, I watched it without sound (because I was at work) and then came home and watched it again, well it brought me to tears. I have read a number of articles after seeing it, and it sums up what everyone feels, Susan came onto Britain has talent and all the judges, judged her appearance and looks before even hearing her sing. By the rolling eyes and the skew faces, not only the judges but the audience as well, they had already decided that she was going to be a waste of time.

Well how wrong they were, this middle aged over weight unkempt looking lady who wanted to be like Elaine Paige or someone like that, wowed the judges and the audience with her stunning voice. I don't know why I cry every time I watch it, but I think it is probably the fact that she showed those pretentious judges who are always looking for the next star to be more beautiful, more sexy and more talented than the one before, that someone without all of the outside characteristics can be even more talented.

It's the fact that an ordinary person from a small village can rise up and be a star! Well done Susan for showing everyone that Beauty is only skin deep, you are beautiful, you are talented and you are everything that a lot of people would love to be!

I showed this to D an hour ago and could not talk to him for 5 minutes afterwards, I was crying so much.

If you haven't watched it already, here is the link to the Youtube recording : so far it has been watched by almost 30 Million times, incredible.


  1. I cried because such talent has been hidden for so long. We all judge people - it is human nature to sift and even after seeing Susan Boyle we will all no doubt continue to pass judgement for the good or bad! :)

  2. Oh! AND I was moved at how everyone who rolled thier eyes etcetera rose to their feet and cheered her on - that is the side of the human spirit we all need to see.
