


Monday, April 20, 2009

There's a hole in my ceiling dear Liza, dear Liza ...

Saturday just before D is about to leave for his AC/DC concert we notice water dripping in the dining room. The whole ceiling board has buckled and it looks like it is going to come down any minute, so D makes a tiny hole to release the water, I think we emptied about 2 bucket of water.
We can't really be sure where the water is coming from, so D goes off to his concert, Em has a bath, and as soon as she pulls out the plug and comes down stairs, the water is coming out of every concievable hole in the ceiling, at least now we know it is the bath.
So Sunday he is up there and takes the whole ceiling board down, the water has obviously been getting in for a while, because the ceiling board is like mush and mouldy as well. I call the plumber who promises to come the next day.
(Instead of ceiling up the ceiling, we could maybe hang ornaments from the beams!)
True to his word our plumber who now knows exactly where we live, this is his 3rd visit in about 2 months arrives on time. He tries to solve the leak but has to go further, he tells me what he is going to do and the next thing I just hear banging and clattering and electric saws. Well probably a good thing I did not go up while he was busy, because I probably would have freaked.
Anyway it turns out that the overflow pipe was never sealed properly, the people who sold us the house did a quick renovation job, new bathroom but never got it done properly. So he tells me it is now sealed properly but to leave it for a few days just to be sure to be sure!
We are thinking of adding a door here, maybe we could store our toilet paper under the bath or better still a house for the mouse!
Thanks for the offer of help Lisa & Len, you never know we may just take you up on it! The next project will be to seal all the holes in our house ... oh why oh why did we buy?

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