


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Extended Family

Since Saturday, Emily has had 2 sisters and I have had a sister too, you could say. Tracy, Skyla and Kiara moved in with us and all too soon it is all going to be over. T & the kids are all moving over to London, and I know it is only across the Irish sea but who knows when we will see them again.

Emily has created havoc and at times it has been like world war 3 but it has been such fun having a full house that I am so going to miss it in a few days. I was however saying to T that it is a good thing that we are leaving first. But I know when we get back in August the house is going to just seem so empty.
It has been such fun having another woman around just to chat to, although D has felt a bit out numbered with 5 woman in the house! Here are a few pictures I took yesterday while the girls were putting on a concert for us.
So WTKS, this is for you :
May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind always be at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His Hand

1 comment:

  1. Sniff, Sniff I'm going to miss you Rose it was lovely being here just to talk to you. I really would like to thank you,D and E for your generous hospitality.
    Thanks again
