


Monday, June 1, 2009

Sunshine, Events & Birthdays

I guess my friends must think I am nuts when I go on about the sunshine, but when you don't get much of it, it becomes a special event in your life. We have had nothing but Sunshine since Friday, and with it being a bank holiday week-end it has made it extra special.

Wow, so where to begin, the exam is over - it didn't go too bad, but I won't be winning any awards! Now we just wait for the results. Our friend K had her baby a month early, a little boy - baby and mom are both well. Two lovely families that we met from SA are both leaving Ireland, one for the Island on the other side of the Irish sea and the others to return to the land of blue skies and sunshine. Lisa has acquired a cat! So I think that is about all the local news.

Emily's birthday bash is finally over, we had a bouncy castle in the garden and thank goodness the weather was perfect. So now most of the stress is over and all we have left to worry about is getting our Visa's for our holiday!

Talking of which a number of people have asked us if we are going to put our Itinerary up on the blog, well once we have all our visa's I will put it up or maybe before then, but it will be in the next 4 weeks, as we really only have 4 week-ends left before our BIG trip!

Here are some photos from the birthday.

This post is a bit all over the place as I haven't really been in the mood to write either - So please forgive me.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous day - could not have asked for better - thanks for a great afternoon of snacking...what? I was carbo loading!
