


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

News Update

Wow, we have been home 4 weeks tomorrow and it really has flown, I managed to have 3 of those weeks at home just catching up and getting life back to Normal. Emily started school on the 31st of August and is really coming along fine, it's almost as if she is a new child at school - she seems to be listening and behaving. Her day now is from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. so it is rather long and the days they have swimming they only finish at 3:15.

I decided to get straight back into the job thing and with the recession in Ireland I was a bit worried, I sent my CV out and of course there was nothing out there for me, so luckily I contacted someone I knew and within a week, I had an interview and an offer of a contract. I started there on Friday and I must say I am so happy, it is a company that I really like, I like the way they do business and the directors are just so nice. The location is really nice as well albeit it a bit far, I climb on the M50 at about 8:40 (after spending 10 - 15 minutes in traffic on a journey that is only about 2 km's from our house to the M50), then by 8:55 I am taking the Bray / Greystones exit to the company, 15 minutes to do about 15 km's. The company is located in Co. Wicklow which is South of Dublin, so I am travelling away from the city passing rolling green hills with sheep and cows and towards the Irish Sugar loaf mountain.

My hours are from 9:00 to 14:00 so I leave there at 14:00 to pick up Emily from school and we only get home at about 15:30 - 16:00 depending on traffic, so it has been pretty hectic, but I am enjoying it so far - I might sound very different in a month’s time.

Other than that we are concentrating on getting the house and garden sorted, so no holidays for a little while although I was looking at Cyprus today and wondering when we could squeeze a trip in, so who knows ... watch this space!

Other than that we are all well, Derrick got right back into the swing of things and is working really hard, we just can't believe that it is only 3 months to Christmas now, which means that the social life will be hectic over the next few months.  Will keep you updated.

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