


Friday, October 16, 2009

I need a holiday ...

Yes, go on laugh!  This week was just so hectic that I really felt that I had not had a break.  By the way the weather has been absolutely fantastic since we got back at the end of August, we have had 2 months with very little wet weather, but let me not jinx it now.

Monday my good friend M came over from London and spent the night, she had a meeting at her head office in Tallaght on Tuesday so we had the pleasure of her company on Monday and went through all our holiday photos on the Big screen TV.  Then Tuesday D's friends folks were here from SA, so they kindly offered to take a parcel back for us and they popped in.  Wednesday I had a hair appointment in the evening, Thursday D now does Ballroom dancing, and today Friday, they had an art exhibition at Em's school, and then what they did was they took a painting from each kid and had it framed, they exhibited them all for everyone to see and then you could buy the painting and the money goes to help towards the upkeep of the school, very good idea I thought.  

I then had to go to the Garda Station because I lost my GNIB card and am now having hassles again, would you believe it - long story, then D had a hair appointment tonight so only got home late and then I got a message from a friend of mine tonight to say that she is arriving in Dublin tomorrow from London and I haven't seen her since Emily was about 10 months old and to top it all it is her birthday, so I guess if I am going to see her I have to get a present.  I also have an appointment at the spa and
if that is not enough, I need to find shoes and a jacket to go with my dress for the wedding on Thursday, talking of which Damo and the boys decided at 2 PM that there were drinks at Smyths, which I am obviously not at because I am sitting here blogging away on a Friday evening, but I am exhausted and there is still the washing that needs to be done.

So ... that has been my week, my boss was in all week except today and he promised to sit down with me on Thursday and go through the project plan as I am only in 3 days next week, but there was some crisis and I did not even get to speak to him, so have been battling my way through SQL statements and think I have done pretty well, but nothing is working at the moment. (If that makes any sense). I sent him 2 emails and he did not reply to either, oh well.

Oh yes one more crisis, we arranged for Em to go and stay with her adopted Grandparents on Thursday night as we have booked into a hotel close to the wedding venue, so I she is fetching Em from School on Thursday, but now they sent home a pamphlet to say that they are going to a church service and they must all be picked up from the church, so need to arrange that still, better put it on my list of things to do!

Best thing about next week though is that I am off work Thursday and Friday and the Monday is a Bank Holiday so nice looooooooooong week-end, the following week I am working full day doing testing at the project site, so I have booked Em into a new holiday care centre in Donnybrook and she is so looking forward to it because they really have some great activities, I got an email from them today and the list is as follows:

o Tuesday: Cinema.
o Wednesday: Book of Kells.
o Thursday: Natural History Museum.
o Friday: Soft Play/Herbert Park.
The afternoon is filled with age appropriate arts and crafts (pumpkin craving) and baking etc.

I really want to be a kid again, on the Friday they will more than likely have a dress up Halloween party as well as Saturday is Halloween, talking of witch, I mean which I had better decorate the house and go and buy sweets, actually that will just have to wait for next week-end!  Too much to do and so little time and next week is just as crazy as this week! 

Will update you with photos form the wedding next week, have a fab week-end everyone and I will tell you all about the week-end on Sunday Night.

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