


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Big "C" party ...

"As I drove to work, the sun was rising in the distance, above the  clouds that were so low they covered the sea like a white fluffy duvet" ...

Okay that is not what this post is about, but in my head on Monday morning I came up with this, because it's exactly what it looked like, driving down the highway to where the M50 meets the N11, the sun was rising in the east, and I could see the sea, but lying on top of the sea were all these clouds, it was absolutely awesome, at these times I so wish I had a decent camera on me and I could just stop on the side of the motor way and take photos!

Okay this was to tell you, me or whoever reads my blog, "I've been invited".... yay an email went out on Monday night about the Christmas party and it is down in Kilkenny at Mount Juliet, absolutely stunning - check out the link, it's over 2 days a Friday and Saturday and on the Saturday we get to do one activity, either play golf, Clay pigeon shooting or Archery - I have no idea what to do but opted for the Clay Pigeon shooting as I have attempted this before but with real birds, however I looked at the Spa and may find out if I could rather spend the day at the spa having a facial and body wrap or something equally as pampering.

Then Saturday night is the official ‘do’. We have a private dining room all to ourselves. Once dinner is over, our croupier awaits us in our private bar for our Casino Royale experience. Sounds like fun, although I hope they are giving us money to gamble with!  It's also a team building week-end so therefore no partners, but sounds like a fun, so I really am looking forward to it.  Oh and we are staying in the Rose Garden Lodge, quite aptly named don't you think?

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