


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Get Together

Let me start at the begining, almost 8 and a half years ago I started working in Dublin, the team I worked with were all of various ages but mostly we all got on very well.  Over the years most of us have left that company and gone on to other things but have managed to stay in touch.  About 4 years ago we started out with Trish's housewarming BBQ which then turned into an annual event, however it was passed over in 2009 because the Rowes were not there to co ordinate.

We also try and get together every couple of months for a dinner out, and the most we have been able to get together at one time is about 6 people.  Then in 2007, I organised a Christmas get together at the Italin restaurant in the Latin Quarter and since then we did one in 2008 at Cafe Leon and this year at The Farm Restuarant in Dawson Street, this year there were 10 of us and some of the people we would only see once a year at these events. 

It is so nice because it is really like a reunion of family members.  This year we saw Miriam who I probably haven't seen for about 18 months as she wasn't at last years get together. 

D dropped me off at the LUAS in Milltown last night at about 6:00 ish and of course from there it takes no time to get in.  Once in I wondered round the streets of mad panic Christmas shoppers, I think I went down an inch of Grafton street and then took a side road to get away form the madness.  It was too cold to just stand around waiting and I did try and go into HMV just to browse round the books and CD's but after taking one look at the thousands of people inside I gave that a miss.

I ended up at the food court in St. Stephens green shopping centre having a coffee and watching over the crowds in Grafton street.  I send Bob, Damo and Trish a text and within a few minutes Damo & Trish had met me there.  We left and went down to the Duke pub, somehow walking into a crowded pub is much nicer than walking into a crowded shop.  We managed to grab a beer, then got a text from Bob to say him and Gabo were at Cafe-en-Seine, but they soon joined us at the Duke, before we knew it, it was time to leave for the restaurant.

The Farm was booked for 07:30 pm and when we arrived some of our crowd were already there, before we knew it everyone had arrived and it was so nice.  The food was out of this world and the company matched by it, before we knew it, we were the last ones in the restaurant and time to move on.  Almost everyone went their merry ways except for Juno, Bob, Damo and myself we ended up at "The Bar with No Name" which is opposite the Market bar, we wanted to go to the Market bar but they had closed at 11:30 and it was now just after midnight. 

But the bar with no name had such a nice atmosphere and we even managed to get seating albeit int he smoking area, we chatted and at about 2:00 a.m. we all decided it was probably time to head home, my 3rd really late night out this year, it seems to becoming a habit.

I can't wait for our next get together now, roll on summer let the BBQ's begin!

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