


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Is there a recesion or isn't there?

Last year by the beginning of December, Ireland was preaching doom and gloom and nobody was spending money. The sales already started way before Christmas and the shops were empty, even Grafton Street seemed dead compared to other years. Then during the year, the whole Bank saga was uncovered, companies were closing, more doom and gloom we were in a recession.

However I am not sure what happened but I know our circumstances haven't changed but suddenly there seems to be an overwhelming amount of cash out there, people are queuing and fighting to get into the shops and it started weeks ago. Today I took Em to the movies at Dundrum and thank goodness I got there early, i.e. I was there for 10 a.m. by the time we left at 03:30 p.m. you couldn't see a parking space. Cars were queued up outside all the way back to the M50 it was like the shops were going to shut and never open again, and apparently it has been like that since boxing, sorry St. Stephens day.

Anyway I must tell you about the movie we saw which I thoroughly enjoyed and wish D had been there to see it, definitely one I will get on DVD when it comes out.


  1. I expected christmas to die this year.. but it seems even a recession can't stop people giving and buying.

    But how much did they buy? now I bet that was smaller than every other year.

    I made things rather than bought things.

  2. Good idea Owen, will have to try that next year - I really need to take up knitting again, think I can start knitting now for Christmas, thank goodness I didn't have many to buy for.
