


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We got it ...

We finally received our brand spanking new Irish passports, whilst sitting at the computer yesterday, the post flap on the door opened and 2 big brown envelopes fell to the floor, I looked over my shoulder to see what was there and said to myself could it be, no ... yes ... you see, I had taken them in on the 10th of Feb and the lady said to me they would be ready on the 23rd if I wanted to fetch them, or should they post them, I said post.  Then after I finished my contract last week, I wished I had said yes I will pick them up because now they would probably take and extra month to get to us.  But lone behold, they were obviously ready on the 23rd, posted out and arrived the morning of the 24th.

So in order to initiate them and make sure they work properly, we have booked a short break to Sicily at the end of March, should be fun!

Monday, February 22, 2010

SA Budget Speech

This cartoon from Jeremy Nell and other Zapiro cartoons have been doing the rounds on email, thought this was very funny!

As week-ends go ...

So I finished up work on Thursday and no sooner was I socialising, Kelly came round for tea on Friday morning, and after she left I started the chores I would normally reserve for the week-end, shopping, washing etc. Luckily Em was at the after school centre for the midterm break, so I could get things done.

Saturday D took her off to Drama, she has her 3rd speech and dram exam on the 14th of March, it's quite a big deal because the examiners come in from the Irish examination board to listen to them and then mark them. So after she got home and had lunch we all went off to Marley park, where she met up with her "boyfriend" Sonny, and then to Joe & Carla for a wonderful curry dinner as a Thank you for helping them move at the end of January.

Sunday we awoke to a dusting of snow on the ground and cars, but loads of snow on the mountains. D had to go to work, so Em and I headed over to Nutgrove as she wanted to buy a sword with her few pennies at the Euro Saver store. We then went to pick up a well deserved cappuccino for mom and then went to Eddie Rockets so Em could have a milk shake, after that we walked the drinks off along the canal.

It was bitterly cold but the walk warmed us up, on our walk we found two memorials set up for different people who had drowned in the canal, quite sad. Since we moved to Ireland 9 years ago, there have been a number of deaths in the canal, mainly guys walking home from the pub who have been drinking and fall in. As we walked down the canal, we came across a derelict building that said "Murphys Undertakers" and I wondered if the undertakers were there specifically because lots of people drowned in the canal at one stage?

Further down is a bridge I drive over often, I really didn't realise how old the bridge is, and hopefully it doesn't get washed away in the next storm we have. Then it was home to get Em ready for going back to school on Monday.

New Adventures

Em is at an Art in Action Spring break camp this week, D drops her off early in the morning and then she doesn't get picked up till after 5 pm.  They are having so many great activities, yesterday the went to a nearby beach to pick up shells, they are making photo frames, they also had to take in cereal boxes and toilet roll holders and stuff to build a robot.  Emily had such fun yesterday she was so hyped when she go home, she also wolfed down her dinner, veggies and all that she would normally pick on.

Today the went to the park and made pancakes in the afternoon, the rest of the week includes, baking, a visit to the Library, movies a party, photography, oh and making tie dye T-shirts.  With all the activity I so wish I was a kid again.

With her being at the camp I also get a few hours after work to myself, so today I had made an appointment at the beautician and hairdress for 4 o'clock.  So what to do with my time before that, well I took a drive into Greystones and what a lovely drive, I am dying to take Em and D, as you go down the hill into Greystones the view of the Bay and the sea is absolutely beautiful, especially today because it was sunny.  My car then got a wash and I even managed to grab a coffee at Ina's before heading off to the Hairdressers.

Next Stop ...

Well my three month contract is coming to an end on Thursday, which means I would have been there for six months. It's funny I think I felt more part of this company than I ever felt with any company that I worked for on a permanent basis before, the longest I worked for a company was over seven years and I never ever felt like that.

It was possibly due to the fact that it was a small company with no more than 25 staff members including the two directors. From the time I started I was made to feel like one of the family, everyone was just so nice to me and I was even invited to the Christmas party event in the country. I have loved each minute I have been there and even though it was only 6 months I feel like I have been with them for years.

I would have probably stayed on, had the company got another big contract, but at the moment there is nothing on the cards and other companies are not spending money. But the director did say that if anything came up I would be the first person they would phone, and of course I know he will give me a good reference should I need it.

One thing I do know is that I have made some really really good friends in the short space of time I have been there, and have already been invited on their next night out for drinks. Dianne gets back from South Africa the last week-end in Feb and has already said we must get together, and Yvonne is going to meet me at Dundrum for coffee on the odd occasion and of course I will pop into the office.

So what to do, well I decided I am going to take a few weeks out for me (with hubbies permission of course), I have a few ideas I want to get off the ground and also market my company (which is me) and get a web site going as well, so I am going to be busy busy busy with lots of positive things. And of course since telling everyone that I am finishing up on Thursday I have been inundated with lunch dates.  Some of my friends I have not seen since before Christmas and some new friends I have made.  I am also meeting the HR director from the last company I contracted for, to do a catch up with her, they have something going down in the Camens at the moment, so need to find out what it is, maybe I can get an assignment there - as Em says PLLLLLLEEZE do you think hubby would let me go, I don't think so!

If I had the money I would love to go to South Africa for Easter but it's not going to happen, so I guess I will just have to enjoy spending the time with Em here seeing as she is off for two weeks at Easter.

I have tried to be really positive since the beginning of the year and it is paying off. The other day a friend who moved away, tried hard to bring back negative thoughts and anger about some people, and it worked for a while and then I thought to myself – I don’t want to go there anymore – I have so much left to do and give in life that negativity is just going to get in the way of that, so from now on I am just going to lay low with people who are trying to rub their negativity off on me.

So here’s to my future whatever may happen!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day ...

Well what a week, busy busy busy ... Monday I stopped in at Carla to drop off a snow suit for Xavier, then Tuesday I had to get passport photos done, pick up Em from Swimming and go off to the Garda station to get my passport application and photos signed by a Garda, then Wednesday off to the passport office, then picked up Mercia from her hotel and we went shopping in Dundrum, lunch at Siam Thai and then rushed off to pick Em up from School and back to the hotel for coffee and only got home at 5:30pm. Friday Em and I went to Mercia's hotel and Em swam, then we went down to the Vertigo bar for a drink and waited for D. M & P are heading off for a jaunt around Ireland so we said our good-byes and headed home, bunged a quick pizza in the oven for D & Em and I settled for Salad. 

By Saturday when I sat down to watch the rugby, I was so exhausted I fell asleep during the Ireland / France match. 

Today was valentines day, and Emily was just so hyped up about it being Valentines day, she made sure that her dad bought me Roses which were really beautiful, and she asked Granny Yvonne to buy me a present too.  She is so cute at the moment, anyway I booked tickets for The princess and the frog, which was a perfect movie for Valentines day a Disney Love story.  Met Mandy, Lisa and the kids and then we all went off to watch the show, after the show we made our way to Granny Yvonne and Grandpa Bob for Lunch, which was awesome and then home to all the chores.
What a week ...

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I have just spent the most awesome day catching up with friends from South Africa, Paul & Mercia are in town and D was working today, so Em and I were out of the house by 10:30 to go and meet them in Howth, we walked and saw the seals and then went to a little coffee shop, then to the "Bloody Stream" for lunch.  After lunch we drove along the coast to Dun Loaghaire and went the the 40 foot for a few liquid refreshments.

Only got home at 6:00 pm and Em was exhausted so a good day had by all.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blonde's Diary on a cruise ship

All packed for the cruise ship - all my sexiest dresses and make-up... Really excited.

Entire day at sea, beautiful and saw whales and dolphins. Met the Captain today

- seems a very nice man.

At the pool today. Also some shuffle boarding and hit golf balls off the deck. Captain invited me to join
him at his table for dinner. Felt honoured and had a wonderful time. He is very attractive and attentive.

Won R800.00 in the ship's casino. Captain asked me to have dinner with him in his own cabin.
Had a luxurious meal complete with caviar and champagne.
He asked me to stay the night but I declined. Told him I could not be unfaithful to my husband.

Pool again today, got sun-burnt, and went inside to drink at piano bar for rest of day.
Captain saw me, bought me several large drinks. He really is charming.
Again asked me to visit his cabin for the night. Again I declined. He told me if I did not let him
have his way with me he would sink the ship.
I was shocked.

Today I saved 2,600 lives. Twice.