


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Next Stop ...

Well my three month contract is coming to an end on Thursday, which means I would have been there for six months. It's funny I think I felt more part of this company than I ever felt with any company that I worked for on a permanent basis before, the longest I worked for a company was over seven years and I never ever felt like that.

It was possibly due to the fact that it was a small company with no more than 25 staff members including the two directors. From the time I started I was made to feel like one of the family, everyone was just so nice to me and I was even invited to the Christmas party event in the country. I have loved each minute I have been there and even though it was only 6 months I feel like I have been with them for years.

I would have probably stayed on, had the company got another big contract, but at the moment there is nothing on the cards and other companies are not spending money. But the director did say that if anything came up I would be the first person they would phone, and of course I know he will give me a good reference should I need it.

One thing I do know is that I have made some really really good friends in the short space of time I have been there, and have already been invited on their next night out for drinks. Dianne gets back from South Africa the last week-end in Feb and has already said we must get together, and Yvonne is going to meet me at Dundrum for coffee on the odd occasion and of course I will pop into the office.

So what to do, well I decided I am going to take a few weeks out for me (with hubbies permission of course), I have a few ideas I want to get off the ground and also market my company (which is me) and get a web site going as well, so I am going to be busy busy busy with lots of positive things. And of course since telling everyone that I am finishing up on Thursday I have been inundated with lunch dates.  Some of my friends I have not seen since before Christmas and some new friends I have made.  I am also meeting the HR director from the last company I contracted for, to do a catch up with her, they have something going down in the Camens at the moment, so need to find out what it is, maybe I can get an assignment there - as Em says PLLLLLLEEZE do you think hubby would let me go, I don't think so!

If I had the money I would love to go to South Africa for Easter but it's not going to happen, so I guess I will just have to enjoy spending the time with Em here seeing as she is off for two weeks at Easter.

I have tried to be really positive since the beginning of the year and it is paying off. The other day a friend who moved away, tried hard to bring back negative thoughts and anger about some people, and it worked for a while and then I thought to myself – I don’t want to go there anymore – I have so much left to do and give in life that negativity is just going to get in the way of that, so from now on I am just going to lay low with people who are trying to rub their negativity off on me.

So here’s to my future whatever may happen!


  1. Good for you, Rose. It's a pity we never met while I was over there.
    I thought of you the other night; we went back to those people for a bbq, the ones I wrote about recently regarding racism, etc... well it started up again and this time I couldn't keep quiet. You would've been proud of me! I just figured it was time to let them know not everyone feels the same way and no, I don't think racism is acceptable. They were shocked! Surprisingly, they're still speaking to me :-) Just wanted to share that with you; thought you'd appreciate it.
    Take care

  2. Wow Terri, I would have been proud of you and you know what, I think deep down inside those people probably aren't racist either but were more than likely thinking that if they talk like that all ex South Africans will agree with them. They probably appreciate you standing up for what is right and you they probably won't bring up the subject again - lol I wish I could have been a fly on the wall, was there silence afterwards and nothing to talk about??? Thats normally the case. Thanks for all your comments, glad someone likes my blog.
