


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Random thoughts I've had today

  1. If your friends don't phone you ... phone them

  2. I really think that Italian lady what's her name ... Angie bolan, was the one who tried to kill Julie in Desperate housewives

  3. Gabie and Carlos should be taken out and shot ... (Desperate housewives again)

  4. I really do need to do something prodcutive instead of sitting by my computer

  5. Sleepover ... midweek ... mmm .... not such a good idea but let's wait and see what happens

  6. What are we going to do on Paddy's day ... maybe we should just go to the parade

  7. It's cold, my feet are cold ...

  8. I can't wait for Sicily

  9. Must call my sister some time

  10. Where is Gwen?

  11. Mafia Wars is becoming boring now ...

  12. Time to make dinner


  1. Hey, I also think it was Angie Bolan who tried to kill Julie! Great minds think alike...
    What's up with the hostility towards Gabie & Carlos though? ;-)

  2. Oh you probably haven't got to that episode yet, so I don't want to spoil it, where are you which episode?

  3. Just watched the one with Gabi's daughter's birthday party. I'm really enjoying this series :-)

  4. You are probably about 2 or 3 episodes behind us then! Keep watching, some of them are pretty boring, but some are just so good, by the way Katherine really needs a straight jacket.

  5. Random thoughts are fun to read, and I totally adore the photo of you. You are SO pretty!! :-) Desperate housewifes I don't watch, so I can't comment on that. Lucky you who are going to Sicily. Sounds amazing. *swoon*
