


Thursday, March 11, 2010


I have just been onto to check out the weather in Sicily for the next 15 days, and boy now I can't wait to go, it is mainly dry and partly sunny but the tempreture is up in the 18's and higher - An Irish Summer!  Roll on Easter.


  1. You asked where I've been. Well, due to the surgery and all that followed and keep on following, I've just had nothing on my mind to write about. I am really bored with myself blogwise. My writing is really bad. So that is wh I haven't blogged. Maybe in time it will come back to me. OH my God Sicily looks fab!! Wish I were going too. It looks like the place have a lot of history, which I love. I hope you'll enjoy yourself immensely!! :-)

  2. There is so much history in Sicily, dating way back B.C. we are staying in Palermo which has loads of old buildings. Sicily is also where the real Mafia are from, so should be very interesting.
