


Monday, April 19, 2010

A fancy affair

My friend turned the Big 40 on Friday (must ask her what that is like), and I have been invited for High Tea at the Radisson. I love the Radisson especially the one in Tahiti - it sounds like it is going to be fun, a bunch of ladies all dressed up to the 9's having tea & Cake and if the weather is nice sitting outside in the sun. Thanks for the invite; I am really looking forward to it.

Actually that is my second invitation to a tea party, my friend Judy in London is having her birthday party in a garden in London and the theme is "Alice in Wonderland" and the Mad Hatters tea party, I wish I could go but it is the week-end that Emily has rehearsals for her play and also my friend Lynn is coming over from London and we are off to the "Kiss" concert on Friday night, oh well I will just have to throw my own tea party some time.

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