


Monday, May 17, 2010

Aqua Aerobics

I decided to try the aqua aerobics today as it is part of the club, so logic said, your 2nd assessment is at 12:15 so why not do the aqua aerobics at 10:45, and then you will be nicely warmed up.
I have only ever done aqua aerobics once before in my life and that was when I was pregnant with Emily and hubby sent me to Powerscourt Spa for the day, and they had aqua aerobics.  From what I could remember it was gentle water exercises, nothing too strenuous.

Oh my word, I was so wrong when I thought this would be the same, my personal trainer took us for the aqua aerobics class, and she must be related to my old PT teacher because she worked us for 45 minutes without a break.   She also kept reminding me that I had a session with her at 12:15 which wouldn't have been so bad had I not been totally wrecked by the time I had finished, because you see before the aerobics I did about 8 laps in the pool as well and a few warm up exercises - I don't think I am cut out for all this physical torture, cut me some slack here. 

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