


Saturday, May 15, 2010


Never look back...
Never regret...
Never remember
the people you've met.
Never begin...
And never end...
Never say never
when it comes to your friends!"

People who love you
people who you love back
people that will always be there for you
through the good times and the bad
they make you happy when you are sad
they are angels that have yet to earn their wings
they are your dearest friends

"Friends are like your second family only closer"

"Who says there are no miracles? there are friends aren't there?"

"Friends are the roses of life: pick them carefully and avoid the thorns."

"Friends stand beside each other through thick and thin, every time you need me i will always be there for you. You make me happy, you make me laugh, you are the best friend anyone could ever have. BEST FRIENDS."

"Despite the advice about choosing your friends wisely, you really can't choose your friends. They choose you.

 "I may never get the chance to win the lottery. I may never get the chance to go on vacation. But I have the chance to be your friend, that chance I'll take."

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though they know you are slightly cracked

A person without any friends is like a tree without its roots."

We can't call people without wings angels, so we call them friends instead."

"Friends aren't jumper cables, you don't throw them into the trunk and pull them out for emergencies."

"Friends are like bras...they give lots of support"

My God, this is a hell of a job. I have no trouble with my enemies. I can take care of my enemies all right. But my damn friends, my goddamn friends. They're the ones that keep me walking the floor at night."

Good friends come and good friends go, but only the best friends stick around forever."

Met you as a stranger
Took you as a friend
Hope we meet in Heaven
Where friendship never ends"

Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends whom we choose."

The making of friends, who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life."

 "A person is only complete when she has a true friend to understand her, to share all her passions and sorrows with, and to stand by her throughout her life."

Money might make you wealthy, but friends makes you rich."

"You don't 
make friends, you earn them."

"When your 
looking for friend don't look for perfection, just look for friendship."

Keep your eyes upon me, keep me in your sight, Help me don the crooked road, lead me to the light. The road I'm on is dark, I'm not sure if I know the way, Yet with you right beside me, I'm certain I won't stray. Protect me from the world, I know we'll make it through, Give me all the strength I need..... Let me lean on you."

You cannot say you've lost a friend. If a friendship is capable of ending, it is because it never existed."

Having someone who understands is a great blessing for ourselves. Being someone who understands is a great blessing to others."

 "You only meet your once in a lifetime friend... once in a lifetime."

 True friendship, unlike love, always lasts forever."

"If you are going to gain anything in life, gain a friend, they will always be there, and that makes all the difference in the world."

Most people come into our lives and quickly leave. It is the special few that come in and leave a footprint in our hearts. and we are forever changed."

False friends aren't always that bad because it shows you about yourself and teaches you to be strong and life goes on."  (NOTE TO SELF)

"Remember that every good friend was once a stranger"

 "When you ask God for a gift, Be thankful if he sends not diamonds, riches, nor pearls, but the love of real true friends."

Choose your friends by their character, and choose your socks by their color. Choosing your socks by their character makes no sense, and choosing your friends by their color is unthinkable."

 "One should try to make 
new friends everyday, without the company of friends life is barren, and has no meaning. One should learn the art of making friends, because at the end of the life we remember our friends"

Truth is the strongest bond that exists between two people. if you lie or break a promise then you have broken that bond, which only time can heal." 

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