


Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's Hot ...

So what am I doing here blogging, well I was just thinking how lucky I am ... husband busy in the Garden, daughter watching TV and I am off to meet the "Boys" at the pub in Dublin town.  I have to be very grateful that I am not married to a jealous husband!   Although I would rather be taking Em to the park or beach, but I haven't seen the boys for so long - I had better go and see what the Mad Feckers have been up to!  I will report back.  Enjoy your day.
Okay, so back from my afternoon with the boys, decided to take Emily with as it was such a beautiful hot day, and I don't get to spend that much time with her anymore.  I don't think the boys minded too much, we ended up at the Gourmet Burger Kitchen, behind powers court and managed to get a table outside.  Em was very bored but the boys managed to occupy her by getting her to draw pictures.  She was actually very good, sitting for almost 3 hours with adult conversation.

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