


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

When the sun shines

Living in Ireland you really do appreciate the sun more than most people I reckon, today was another one of those gorgeous days where it was hot and sunny.   I took a drive down to Greystones beach at lunch time, but only had half an hour, so tomorrow I am going to go at one and take my lunch down with me.   There were kids in the water on the beach, people walking enjoying the wonderful sunshine, and the best thing of all, last night it was still light at 11:00 PM, but really only for one more week and then the days start getting shorter again.

I took some photos on my trip today but left them in the car, I will make sure I take them out tomorrow and post them up.  Roll on many more days of sunshine!


  1. I think you are correct about really appreciating sunny days in Ireland. I still remember thinking that when the sun shines, Ireland is pretty hard to beat. Enjoy!

  2. Oooh the memories... :-) I was on date here in 1994 with a man called John S. He was a bus conductor on "my" bus. (we dated for a good while, but then...) It's a lovely place. I LOVE Ireland, come rain or shine. But it is fantastic on a grand scale when the sun is out, I agree! Hope you got to have a wonderful lunch there.

  3. Yes Terri, with Ireland being so Green when you switch the lights on it glows, because that Green is so bright in winter too but with the contrast of the blue sea and the green grass it really is beautiful.

    Wow Monsoon, how long were you in Ireland for again? Greystones is very pretty and had I not got a job out here I would never have found the place.
