


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wobbly bits ...

So as those of you who regularly read my blog will know I started at the Gym at the beginning of May, while I was unemployed I was going 3 to 4 times a week and mainly for the aqua aerobics classes and a workout.  The main reason I signed up was Health, I was a smoker for many many years and gave up 5 years ago.  After giving up I had a very bad bout of bronchitis which almost turned into pneumonia, have also had a bit of high blood pressure - so have been trying to follow Patrick Holford's healthy lifestyle and doing exercise.  When I started working on the 8th of June, I had to cut down on the gym visits but have been going regularly twice a week to aerobics and once a week for a workout - and tonight for the first time while doing my bit in the pool, I was feeling round the old body and realised that the wobbly bits were reducing and toning up.  So two months has been all well worth it, now I just have to keep myself motivated!

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