


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Life's a Beach ...

Thank you God, now do you think you could get them to legalize it! 
How can anything so natural be bad for you?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Christmas in July

The in-laws / grandparents arrived yesterday from Johannesburg and it felt like Christmas. I have never seen so many packets of Woollies Raisin chuckles in one place before, beside in the store, and D was chuffed to bits with a kilo of Rooibok bok and a kilo of Ostrich biltong, wow. I got my annual dose of South African magazines, The Fairlady, Getaway, Country Magazine, GeoAfrica and the cosmopolitan.

Emily got loads of Dresses and stickers from her fairy godmother and she sent us load of South African paraphernalia from the Soccer world cup, rainbow nation scarves – which we will proudly wear when we watch the Boks being annihilated by the Irish in November (as usual). Wow just so many things.

My sister sent some really cute stuff for Em and the sister-in-laws went overboard with the sweets and chocolates, peppermint crisps, and all kinds of things. Em got beautiful pyjamas and another beautiful dress from her cousin.

Just so many things to comprehend and take in, a beautful cookery book from Melinds by Evita Bezuidenhout.  And Gran knitted tons of dolls clothes for Em's baby born, that's when you realise how much we miss out on family by living 6000 miles away, although I must say that when we do have them visit we manage to spend loads of quality time together.  Must dash ... later.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

End of the Week

So what do we do at the end of a cr@p week , hell yes go out and party ... I am still suffering with a hangover, so as soon as I have rested I will tell all.  Oh my word what a "Jol" and I never even took my camera with!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

New kid on the block

I'm the NEWBIE as J.D. would have called me in scrubs.  This sign should say Welcome Newbie, handle with care!

I really hate being the new kid on the block, I have had the F*cking worst week of my life at work.  The senior lady is out, so there was only Mr T. and I in the office, then someone called and said they had been waiting 15 minutes for someone to answer the phone.  So I went to the big Boss and said put me on calls, I can handle it, I mean there is nothing like being thrown in the deep end to learn.  But ... besides not understanding half of these peoples accents (all corners of Oireland I tell you), when I ask Mr T. to help me, he gives me attitude.

By Tuesday evening I was ready to throw the Towel at Mr T., at 17:30 on the dot, I stormed out of there and the next day dragged my sorry ass back in at 9:00 a.m., Missy D could see how upset I was and told me to go and speak to the big "D", so I toyed with it all day and decided I would stay late and then go and chat to him, I had spent the day ignoring Mr T. and the other dude.  But it turned out that Mr T. stayed late too, he must have had a premonition or something.  Then today he's as sweet as honey to me, F%ck he is worse than a woman with PMS, so now what to do - then I had some B*tch phone with a query and start shouting down the phone at me, and Mr T. and dude were all so nice to me.  Turned out the itch didn't know what she was talking about.

Then spent the afternoon with the big "D" sitting at my desk because of a crisis, which unfolded because another itch went on the war path, I am starting to wonder if I will ever cope in this job ... I hate being the new kid on the block especially when these kids know more than I do ... but only for the moment!

Got to get myself one of these ->>>>>>>>>

Voted Best Joke in Ireland

John O'Reilly hoisted his beer and said, 'Here's to spending the rest of me life, between the legs of me wife!'

That won him the top prize at the pub for the best toast of the night!

He went home and told his wife, Mary, 'I won the prize for the Best toast of the night.'

She said, 'Aye, did ye now. And what was your toast?'

John said, 'Here's to spending the rest of me life, sitting in church beside me wife.'

'Oh, that is very nice indeed, John!' Mary said.

The next day, Mary ran into one of John's drinking buddies on the street corner.

The man chuckled leeringly and said, 'John won the prize the other night at the pub with a toast about you, Mary..'

She said, 'Aye, he told me, and I was a bit surprised myself. You know, he's only been there twice in the last four years. Once he fell asleep, and the other time I had to pull him by the ears to make him come.'

Monday, July 19, 2010

Annual Summer BBQ

The weather tunred out just perfect even though it was raining buckets an hour before D put the Boerewors on the braai!  But we had loads of fun with good friends, too much to eat as always and lots of little ones to keep us entertained.  Louve Summer and my friends, you are all awesome!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Danyel Gerard - Butterfly 1987 (English)

This song popped into my head yesterday, it was originally made in 1971 and I loved it. It must have been a one hit wonder though, because I can't remember anything else Danyel Gerard sang.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Jislaaik, ever since I read the ol' slang from the home town I have soooo wanted to write a post in my own slang.  Jees I can't remember the laas time I did speek like this, probably the time I was ripping off my ex brother in-law for the way he spokes English. He was pretty Dof too.  Anyways bokke let me tune you what is happening in our little world.

Well we are having our annual braai, for all the old Irish peoples, you check every year since Trish bought her new digs we have been having a braai at her house and every year D ends up doing the braaing.  So this year I decided well lets have it at ours, so we invited all the China's and they are going to pitch up at about 3 bells on Saturday arvie!  Somma a bring and braai, jou dop and jou chop.  Guess I'll be making most of the salads although most of them are not big salad eaters so will just do a small one.

You know whenever we had a braai back home, I always used to drink "spoeg & diesel" or Brandy & Coke as they say in English, but hell since the old age has kicked in, I really hate waking up with a babelaas, so I don't think we will be partaking, besides we have to go and see the old folks on Sunday and can't pitch up with a barbie!

Anyways, most of the people whos all coming to the braai are peoples I worked with at the "Society", the one Damo who is always big mouth about these events, went and double booked his day, ja well no fine so I told him in no uncertain words that he had better come else he will get moered stukkend, so I guess he is only showing his face but that is fine, can moer him later.

I think Saturday night will be quite a Jol, it won't be a mad party as most of the folks with kids are coming, and D has ordered some lekker boerewors from the butcher in town, so it will feel a bit like back home.  And with the kids running around there won't be any dagga or anything like that, it should be all pretty civilized, will curb the drinking a bit too, except possibly for those single characters who maybe putting them back.

Yissis I am really moeg now so this post is becoming a bit difficult to write, especially as I have to keep referring to my slang list, gone are those days where I's could just roll them off the tongue like it was my mother language, now I have all the Irish slang tucked up in this kop, you know like yissis we would say bejaysus.   One thing the Irish do have in common wif the Souf Effrikens is the term ewes, do ewes know where you are going?  Hey ewes oakes, except they don't use oakes.

Anyways like I said I is lekker moeg, had a day of driving and walking all over the dorpie, so I am going to hit the sack, but look out for my next "blast from the past" post using our long lost Souf Effriken terminology to boot!

Nightie Night.

Two little Dicky birds ...

Two little dicky birds sitting on a wall,
One named Peter, one named Paul.
Fly away Peter, fly away Paul,
Come back Peter, come back Paul!

Come back TERRI
Come back GAIL
Come back EILEN

I really miss your blog posts updates!!!  COME BACK!!!  I have to endure all the other blog which are no where near as interesting as yours!

I haven't felt much like blogging lately, but I religiously go into my blog to check the updates, and only get Maurice having his mid life crises, (where to from 40) with long posts about his emotions - which honestly (don't tell him) but bore me to tears.  You're 45 now Maurice, Mid life crisis over unless you are planning to live to a hundred.

Then there is Headrambles who regularly has a post each day but does nothing but moan or complain about something, but I like keeping his link as he does post some interesting stuff about Ireland.

Then the I love SA blog, mainly negative stuff about SA but I like to keep updated with what is going on, and sometimes research the stuff to see if it really true, I think if every South African believed everything that is written on Iluvsa, there would be no whites, coloureds or educated blacks left in SA, oh wait forgot about the injuns sorry the Asians seeing as even though apartheid died 16 years ago, everyone still gets classified into race groups so they know not to employ the whities.  Still going to change my name to Rosie Matwetwe and see if I get a Senior post on the SABC board - :) 

My Dublin Life is a Canadian girl who has been studying in Ireland and has made it her home for the past 2 years, she loves Dublin so advertises all kinds of cool goings on, which is great to find out about up coming events and stuff. 

My super Yachting experience is my hubby's nephews new blog, now this is one kid I am as jealous as hell of, he is doing all the right kind of things that young kids should be doing.  He matriculated last year, spent the most part of the first half of this year down in Cape Town getting his seaman's licence to sail yachts, then got a Shengan visa, hopped on a plane and went off to the parts of France that I can't spell, to party with the rich and famous and find a job.  He has had quite a few jobs earning 100 euro a day - more than likely tax free and is having the time of his life.  Now why didn't I do that ... what kept me at home, it's not like I got on my parents or anything, I guess when I started working I was just enjoying life too much to contemplate leaving home, wish I could roll the clock back 30 years! 

Then there is getting legless with Lorna who currently has the most grotesque photo of an open wound.  Lorna shot her self in the abdomen and started the blog to write the whole experience, I admire her courage as she realizes that she made a big mistake, I mean haven't we all made mistakes in life, some are just so much bigger than others. 

And then there are others that haven't updated them for ages, but I really love seeing updates to Terri, Gail and Eilen's blogs.


South Park and Facebook

This is Excellent and every Facebook user should watch it!  Just shows you how ridiculous Facebook can be!

2nd Part

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I can't tell you the last time I saw an "adult" film at the movies, its seems that since Emily came along the only movies I get to see are animated, however I shall not complain because before Emily came along I can't remember when last I actually went to the movies to see a movie, oh wait I think it was in 2001 when D was in Ireland and I went to see run away bride with Heather, or of course with the girls on a girls night out in Dublin to see one or other Sex and the city movie.  However, I don't remember going on a movie date with my husband since before we were married ... sad.  But I enjoy the kids movies and today our little family went to see Shrek forever after, which as always has snipes in it that only the adults understand.

There were two adults sitting next to D thoroughly enjoying the movie, and guess what they had no kids with them, so just shows you that "DreamWorks" are very cunning in getting adults to watch their "kids" movies too.  Anyway it definitely is a must to see, and the Tooth Fairy and of course the plan is to see Toy Story 3 in 3D next, so watch this space.

Oh yes and of course Em enjoyed it so much she was clapping after the show!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I decided to change my background on my blog as this is the start of my countdown to my holiday, 3 weeks and counting and then we are off to sun and sea for 2 weeks .... can't wait!