


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Christmas in July

The in-laws / grandparents arrived yesterday from Johannesburg and it felt like Christmas. I have never seen so many packets of Woollies Raisin chuckles in one place before, beside in the store, and D was chuffed to bits with a kilo of Rooibok bok and a kilo of Ostrich biltong, wow. I got my annual dose of South African magazines, The Fairlady, Getaway, Country Magazine, GeoAfrica and the cosmopolitan.

Emily got loads of Dresses and stickers from her fairy godmother and she sent us load of South African paraphernalia from the Soccer world cup, rainbow nation scarves – which we will proudly wear when we watch the Boks being annihilated by the Irish in November (as usual). Wow just so many things.

My sister sent some really cute stuff for Em and the sister-in-laws went overboard with the sweets and chocolates, peppermint crisps, and all kinds of things. Em got beautiful pyjamas and another beautiful dress from her cousin.

Just so many things to comprehend and take in, a beautful cookery book from Melinds by Evita Bezuidenhout.  And Gran knitted tons of dolls clothes for Em's baby born, that's when you realise how much we miss out on family by living 6000 miles away, although I must say that when we do have them visit we manage to spend loads of quality time together.  Must dash ... later.

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