


Saturday, September 4, 2010

The summer ... she is over ... or not quite yet

So the holiday was over, the in-laws back in Africa, Em back at school and hubby and I back at the salt mine, which means the summer is over, but yet we have been having fabulous weather.  It was like 23 degrees the last two days, okay you guys in Sunny South Africa don't laugh, I know that is a good winters day.  But honestly it is a different type of 23 degrees and humid and the same heat in SA would probably show about 27 on the thermometer.  

So Thursday Dianne enticed me down to the beach for lunch, pity we had to go back to work because it was just so wonderful looking out onto the blue sea and sitting in the sun.  Yesterday was another Fab day, so I went off to Avoca at lunch time and just walked around in the sunshine.

So no sooner is Em back at school and she has a birthday party tomorrow, I am going to make a big pot of veggie soup in anticipation for winter, and freeze it - that way I know summer will last a lot longer, but I am also going to try and cook some meals for the week, so there is no rushing each evening and besides that way I can get back to my aqua aerobics and the gym.  Besides I need to try and lose loads of weight in the next 3 weeks, help! Think I may have to go onto the high protein diet or starve myself.

I hear thunder - well that is what woke me up this morning and I can honestly say it is probably only the 2nd time in 9.5 years that I have heard thunder, for a minute I thought I was back in Africa, I then went back to sleep and then realised I had to get up because we all had a hair appointment this morning, the 3 of us and you think they would give us a family discount or something .... NO so 115 Euro for 1 kid, 1 man and 1 ladies cut and blow - yes you luck people down in SA, things over here are VERY expensive!  Then it was off to the shops to do the necessary shopping ugh!

This afternoon I picked up a friend from work and went for afternoon tea at my favorite little coffee shop in Milltown, I so needed to bitch about work, so it was great to get a lot of stuff off my shoulders with someone who understood where I was coming from.

So what else has happened today, well how was that earthquake in New Zealand, OMG and here one of my friends is flying over in a few weeks time, to look at going to live ... uh I don't know so much, maybe Australia is a better bet, and of course there was an anti-war protest in down town Dublin, as Tony Blair was out for the week-end to sign his autobiography, got to find out more about those.

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