


Wednesday, November 17, 2010


One of my favourite blogs at the moment is the Jo'burg photo Blog, the old saying "A picture paints a thousand words" is so true in this case, the author of the blog hardly says anything, but he tries to put a photo of Jo'burg up every day and words are not necessary.  I often reminisce of the place if I have been there, or try and picture it in my minds eye when something has changed so much that it is unrecognisable - I spent 37 years living in my birth country and being brought up on the South side of Johannesburg, we spent a lot of time in Jo'burg city going to movies, discos, ice skating, Hillbrow - I knew Jo'burg by night, I worked there in the day ... but so much has changed and I am glad to see that things are starting to improve.

There is an ad on TV in Ireland that is shot in the middle of Jo'burg but for the life of me I can't think what ad it is now, but I always feel proud - that is where I worked I say to Emily when they show a shot of commissioner street.  Miss the old country.

Another interesting Jo'burg site is:

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