


Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011 - 1 Week Down ...

Oh my Gosh, I meant to do so much this week-end, have to get the accounts in order and what did I do - Well Saturday I slept late, had to meet my friend Carla for Breakfast at 10:30 on Saturday and only crawled out of bed at 9:15 so a bit of a scramble to the shower and get dressed, and then I just spent the rest of the week-end feeling sorry for myself, I even missed getting the Tooth Fairy to answer Em's letter on Saturday night because I went to bed so early.
Thank Goodness D remembered to get the Tooth Fairy to take the tooth and leave some money, else we would have had one devastated child this morning.

Well lets hope I can get the tooth sorted tomorrow and take care of the rest of business next week-end after all there are only 2 week-ends to London and so much to do.

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