


Monday, January 31, 2011

January - The Last Post

Okay so I am doing a cheat here, backdating this post to the 31st of January, I don't know what happened but time just ran away from me and I have not been able to blog.   So my last post I told you about all my woes, well I still don't have my car back, but one of my colleagues at work has been fetching and dropping me ever since and he has been absolutely wonderful.

This morning I woke up over and hour late which meant that both D and Em were late and Em got to school an hour later than she should have.  It was my fault though, I was reading a book that Lisa bought me ages ago "Wild Irish Women" and really enjoying it, so it's Lisa's fault I couldn't put it down and overslept.  Then I had this really weird dream that I was in the Outback in Australia with my friend Colette and I was in a car trying to take photos out the window, while the car was driving really fast.  Weird.

So onto the week-end in Galway, we had loads of fun however I was exhausted by the time I got there even though I got to drive down in style in the Merc SLK, I was the first person who retired.  We only arrived down at about 8:45 as there was an accident on the M50 and basically got down checked in and then went off to dinner in the dining room.  After dinner which ended at about 11:30 we all went off to the pub in the hotel, there was this little old man playing country music to a handful of people, well I say he welcomed us as we started dancing and singing to his music.  And what is it with "Galway Girl" everybody has to either sing it or have it as their ring tone down there?

Saturday morning after a nice breakfast I took a walk with some of the girls along the promenade, then went back to the hotel for a cappuccino and get ready for my facial with Dianne.  After facial I headed into town, had to go get Em a present and of course Dianne gave me a shopping list of booze to buy.  Anyway got back to the hotel and Elaine came back (my room mate) we had a good old natter, then Dianne arrived and we laughed till we cried (can't remember if she was sober at all over the week-end), then we all got ready for dinner out on the town.

8 o'clock the taxi's arrived and we all went into town for dinner, after dinner off to a pub - the town area was very much like Temple bar in Dublin people spilling out onto the streets, it was just to busy for us so we headed back to the hotel and the residents lounge.  After one Baileys I think I head off to bed at about 2:30 a.m.

Breakfast at 9 and in the car with Dianne @ 11 to head back to Dublin, so all too soon the week-end was over.

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