


Friday, January 7, 2011

London Calling

Woo Who, our Christmas party is finally being organised, yes we were supposed to go away the 2nd week-end in December but unfortunately the Support & Development departments had to work (which is half the company), so it was postponed to the last week-end in January.

January is our busiest month of the year and we are open from 8 to 6:30 each day for support as it is the start of the new tax year and all the budget changes have gone out.  This was my first week back and doing 8 to 5:30 shift so I am totally whacked.  Anyway good news is the company event away, we are leaving on the Friday evening, fly to London, party, party, party ... then Saturday "Dirty Dancing" the show at the West End, Saturday night dinner and party and then Sunday midday fly back to Dublin.

Should be pretty fun because all the fun people are going with, don't know how we are going to cope on the Monday but we will just take it as it comes.

Oh yes, I think the boss has organised our own capsule with Champagne on the London Eye, should go down a treat - hope we are getting some pounds to spend too.  My dear friend "M" will be home from SA and hopefully I might get to see her!

Can't wait, so now have 2 trips to look forward to in the first half of the year!

Oh yes and have to organise post Christmas lunch with all my ex Building Society mates, so many Christmas arrangements cancelled because of the snow, but with all this happening, I guess January won't be a long month after all, but may still be cold only minus 5 at the moment, so I am off to my nice warm bed with my nice warm electric blanket waiting for me.

Nightie Night!

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