


Saturday, May 11, 2013

25 Random Things ....

I found this post on Facebook from a few years ago that I wrote:

1. Life is too short to worry about unimportant stuff!
2. I love my life most days!
3. I love music 
4. I love wide open spaces, the beach, the sea
5. I love travelling and exploring new places
6. I think all woman should be allowed to have more than one husband.
7. I do believe in a reason, a season and a lifetime for most things
8. I think if friends stay connected or become reconnected after many years there is a reason for this.
9. Smoking Marijuana before making love enhances your senses, a good friend told me that.
10. Whenever you are enjoying life, it shows it's ugly head.
11. Rock & Roll is the best thing that ever happened to this world
12. War is stupid!
13. Why do people keep having babies when the world is so overpulated
14.  Where will it all end
15. Will I ever see you again?
16. I miss my friends sooooo much!
17. I hate it when I shout at Emily because I have had a bad day ... really, really hate it!
18. I wonder if some day I will remember how bad things were today!
19. I should have worked harder in school and got a degree
20. I really should get more sleep
21. I hate being on TV
22. I wish I was one of those people who never had to worry about their weight
23. My life has been interesting to say the most
24. There is still so much more to come
25. I love the freedom of living here

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