


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Our Viking Day Out in Dublin

So Em has a project to do and guess when it is due, yes Tuesday and like all kids she leaves everything till the last minute.  The only information we have is what we have managed to gather on the internet, so yesterday I booked tickets for the "Viking Splash Tour" and "Dublinia".

We didn't tell her we were going, so this morning we parked the car down Waterloo Road and trekked into town.  When we got to St. Stephens Green we first went to feed the ducks, Em saw the viking tour and asked if we could go, I then told her we were going.

It was so much fun, but it was oh so cold.  The driver has a wealth of knowledge about Dublin, some true and some fictional - but they all have a great sense of humor   I am going to do separate posts on some of the interesting features of the tour, so will not go into too much detail here, except to say it was money well spent!

The Driver explains to all the passengers about putting on their viking helmets, and then when we pass unsuspecting "Celts" we all look over the side and shout at the top of our voices "aaaaaaaaaaaarggggghhhhh" in real pirate fashion.  unsuspecting Celts are just random people walking along the street, concentrating on their own going on's.

We made a few people jump, got lots of smiles and waves and photos taken of us.  The tour was 90 minutes and part of it is on the Grand Canal, where we sail past U2's studios and the new Board Gais Energy Theater   Which I will talk about in another post.