


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 3 ... picking up the car and out and about ...

I booked a car for a few days so we could do a bit of travelling around, so today we had to go and fetch the car.  A short walk to the Metro and this time on the Metro 3 Blue line - 450 HUF each to get to Gyongyosi Utka and the Car Rental place.

It was a short walk from our destination and when we got there we were so hot, after all the formalities of filling in the forms, the guy told us that he had upgraded us by two classes at no extra cost, so instead of a little car that we wanted we ended up getting a Big Kia station wagon.  So glad I have a hubby that nothing is a challenge for him.

We noticed where we got off the train there was a shopping mall, so first stop on the list was the shopping mall, and lunch.  Em got McDonald's, the first time this holiday and D and I had a schwarma or shish kebab, which was very nice, and cheap our meal for 2 schwarmas and 2 drinks was the equivalent of €7.00.

After lunch we got a couple of groceries and headed back to the parking garage near the apartment, and D got us there without any problems, what a super star.  We decided to get a sat nav which I don't think we will really need, but rather safe than sorry (especially as D doesn't like to ask directions).  He has already started swearing at the woman giving directions on the Garman.

After we got home it was very hot, so we chilled for a few hours and at about 6 o'clock I suggested we take a walk down to St. Stephens Basilica - a beautiful building, I haven't read too much about it yet, Em was dying for an ice-cream so we went to this little ice-cream shop where they make the ice-cream on the cone in the shape of a Rose, too beautiful.  I will have to add all my photos at a later stage.

We then walked down to the Danube to the Chain bridge, watched the Sun City over Buda.  We then walked through all the shopping streets in Pest and had dinner at a little Italian Restaurant.  From there we walked back to the apartment, and almost got lost but all was saved when I asked directions twice!!! (Note twice honey, because you didn't believe the first guy).


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