


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 6 .... Austria, Vienna and No Appel Struddel :)

We managed to leave the apartment at 8:00 a.m. this morning, and it was already hot when we left!  The drive from Budapest to Vienna is all on the Autobahn and according to Google Maps a 2 and a half hour drive, but considering that you can really go as fast as you like in the fast lane that is not really true, I think we made it in about 2 hours.

I haven't been to Vienna since January 1985 and when I was there it was January, -27 degrees Celsius and snowing.  We had a day to go and explore and it was so cold, that we got as far as St. Stephens Cathedral, and headed back to the hotel, sat by the fire and drank Whiskey. 

So this time, we drove right into the city centre, when we saw that the parking garage was charging €4.70 an hour we decided to find parking somewhere else, we found a little side road on the far end of the river, but at least we didn't have to pay for parking.

It was so hot, I am sure it was close to 40 degrees Celsius we felt like we were melting.  I was quite surprised that they had a place with drinking water where you could fill up your water bottle and cool down with a gentle spray.  We walked around what seemed like hours, the cathedral is under renovation so you could not see too much.

Eventually after taking many photographs, a couple of ice-creams and loads of water, a few souvenirs, (I was tempted to get the T-shirt "There are no Kangaroo's in Austria" for Wendy), we headed back to the car, it was scorching. 

We left Vienna and Austria and headed back to Budapest, we stopped in Gyor but it was just too hot to even think about walking around, 38 degrees Celsius at 15:30 in the afternoon, so we picked up some supplies and headed back to Pest and our lovely apartment.

I just never knew a person could sweat so much, by the time we climbed the stairs, I could ring the sweat out of my clothes.

Even the cold shower I took about an hour ago is no longer relieving this hot body!

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