


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ex-Pat Blog Comments

I haven't for a long time gone back to the interview I had with the Expats Blog until today.  I found many people had left comments which I only found out today, my apologies for not getting back to anyone of you with regards to your questions: -  Unfortunately I don't get notified when anyone leaves a message for me on the Expats Blog, so here I am going to just go through some of the comments that were left.

                       Maria Roll wrote 1 year ago: Rose and Derrick Have the right attitude.They decided to immigrate, got there.. embrassed, respected and adapted to Irish living, unlike some people that immigrate to another country and demand the host country to adapt to them. Good luck Rose and Dirreck you are doing SA proud whatever your future plans are.

Thanks Maria, miss you tons!!!

                      Susi wrote 1 year ago: Hi guys. I'm new here and just wanted to say Hello. Loved reading this interview. I have always wanted to visit Ireland and one day that dream will come true. For now I'll just enjoy reading about it! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the great message Susi!

                    Catherine wrote 1 year ago: Hi Guys, Thanks for your blog, its amazing how far you've come, I admire you so much for this. My husband & I are planning on moving to Dublin,Ireland. My mom & dad live in Germany & is a citizen there, but she also wants to join us there to live in Dublin. My parents are pastors of a church in Germany, but want to move cos of church ministry purposes. My husband is in the Building Management Business & we are finding it a bit difficult finding jobs in Ireland while we are here. Most applications come back saying we need to be there in order for consideration. Please can you give us some advise on steps to take & how to go about moving. thanks so much. regards Catherine

Catherine - please send my your email address and I can mail you

                    Ilze Heydenrych wrote 11 months ago: I loved reading the blog. Took me quite a while, as I went right back to the beginning! I am also in IT and came across the blog and this site when I researched the possibilities of finding a job in Ireland. I desperately want to move to Ireland! Any ideas or advise? Regards Ilze

Ilze where are you from?  There are loads of IT jobs in Ireland at the moment so long as you have a European passport, what do you do - the company I work for are employing!

                    Dennis Mkhulisi wrote 9 months ago: Hey Rose\r\n\r\nThanks for a fresh insight on the expat life. Am a medical officer and tried once to \"recharge\" my batteries by working in Canada. Age cut-off (50yrs)and family commitments made me shelve the idea. However, it\'s good to know that we have to appreciate things that we take for granted (eg a good banking system, the weather etc).\r\nAm 58yrs old now and cherish the hope of travelling the world on a working holiday-staying in a country, work thrice a week for nominal pay, board and travel a bit... Wishing your family well. Cheers!!

Thanks Dennis for the comments I hope it all works out for you :)


  1. Just came across this blog and enjoyed reading the posts. I am an African living in the US. I am interested in moving to Europe.

  2. HI Senzeni, It's so nice to get a comment on my blog and thanks for your kind words. Where are you from in Africa and where are you living.

    I love living in Ireland, only think I miss is the smells and sunshine from Africa, it doesn't matter where you are in the world - Africa is unique.

    You can email me if you want at rosemarie . rowe @ gmail . com
