


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Coronavirus Curbing the spread - WFH Day #10

Coronavirus Curbing the spread - WFH Day #10 I was reading News24 and the rather drastic lockdown measures they are taking -…/coronavirus-the-rules-you-need-to-…

Things like NOT being able to walk your dog or go for a walk??? AND worst of all, No alcohol for sale at all for sale, be it in grocery stores or anywhere - Prohibition!
Prohibition is the act or practice of forbidding something by law; more particularly the term refers to the banning of the manufacture, storage (whether in barrels or in bottles), transportation, sale, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
It seems to me that Crime will escalate in South Africa so guys be vigilant and look after yourselves and each other! And if you need a drink find a way to get to Ireland, although the pubs are closed you can still buy alcohol in the shops! Prost! Salute! Cheers.
In a zoom meeting this morning, one of the presenters mentioned Napolene's quote about drinking champagne, so I had to research it: “In victory, you deserve Champagne; in defeat, you need it.” — Napoleon Bonaparte. The classic excuse for drinking Champagne no matter what happens comes from Napoleon. Bonaparte may have followed the logic as he took over Europe, but there's no record of him ever actually saying it.
To that I bid you farewell until tomorrow! 💚😁😍🌹

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