


Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Coronavirus Curbing the spread - WFH Day #13 Lockdown Day #4

Coronavirus Curbing the spread - WFH Day #13
Lockdown Day #4
Reading about so many terrible things happening in the world, how lucky are we to have a home to isolate, think of those who don't, all the homeless and especially those densely populated countries like South Africa, the Philippines and India just to name a few. Counting all my blessings today, the fact that I am still able to work, however all the self employed who are worrying about what tomorrow might bring and in fact all of us wondering what tomorrow might bring. It made me think of our parents and grandparents who may have been around during WW1 and WW2 when it went on for years and they had no idea when it would end. #staysafe #stayhome #staysane   

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