


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Coronavirus Curbing the spread - WFH Day #9 - 

Facebook reminded me today that a year ago today was one of my last days in ICU.

When I look back at these photos of me in ICU and the one with me on the ventilator, my heart  goes out to all those people who are in hospital with the Coronavirus, I can sympathize first hand as last year I would have been in ICU with pneumonia, and other complications - On March 11th 2019, Derrick found me at home collapsed and called the ambulance, I was resuscitated twice on the way to the hospital, and was in a coma for about 5 days, drifting in and out of consciousness. But hubby was there all the time, taking to me and praying.  

I didn't want to share the rest but this was the last one of me taken in ICU a year ago! Everyone stay strong and stay at home!

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