


Monday, April 20, 2020

Coronavirus Curbing the spread - WFH Day #23 Lockdown Day #24

Coronavirus Curbing the spread - WFH Day #23
Lockdown Day #24

Happy Monday! New day, new week and possibly new inspiration 😁, I guess we just have to remember that this too shall pass, although life as we knew it might never be the same again we will welcome the day when we can visit each other and spend time together physically.

I was going to have a rant about the 100 kids having a street party last night and not social distancing, but then I guess there always has to be someone who is going to go against the rules, and if you are going to allow alcohol to be sold during lockdown this is going to happen.

On that note I have been having a whiskey every evening and found that my blood sugar in the morning is so much better, however I forgot to check it this morning, oh dear

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