


Friday, April 10, 2020

Coronavirus Curbing the spread - WFH Day - Not today! 😁🐥🦋🌞 Lockdown Day #14

Coronavirus Curbing the spread - WFH Day - Not today! 😁🐥🦋🌞
Lockdown Day #14
Happy Easter Friday Everyone, what to do today, lockdown has been extended for so many countries, which is not surprising - there was no way they could just go back to normal with cases still on the rise.
We are very lucky in Ireland that we can still order take outs to be delivered, in a lot of other countries this is not the case and as mentioned before the sale of Alcohol and cigarettes is forbidden in South Africa, which seems weird, they could just limit the sale instead of banning it, but I guess they have their reasons.
Yesterday evening we had our team "happy hour" via zoom and we played 30 seconds, this was the 2nd time, we did this last 2 weeks ago as well! We all sat in front of our videos having a drink and guessing what the word was! I think i could get used to team events like this.
Sending out Virtual hugs to all my friends and family and remember we are just on the end of the line if you want to chat, whatsapp, skype, zoom or any other means of technology you might use!

Image may contain: 9 people

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